Kendu Leaf Coordination Committee Meeting Held

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Chief Secretary advises for quick disbursal of claims of KL Workers

Bhubaneswar,(Kalinga Voice): Kendu Leaf Coordination Committee 2nd meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Sri Suresh Chandra Mahapatra through virtual mode today wherein, PCCF, Kendu Leaf Smt. Pusa Zhule Mekro presented the updates and outlined issues for discussion. Reviewing the progress of kendu leaf operations, Chief Secretary Sri Mahapatra has directed to adopt mechanism for quick disbursal of claims of KL workers. A technology based faster mechanism needs to be adopted at the earliest for claim settlement if any, he said.

Available data shows that during 2022 KL Crop, Production of 2.775 lakh quintals of KL have been achieved against the target of 2.782 lakh quintals. The production achieved is 99.8% of the post collection target. Regarding Working fund Expenditure made during 2022 KL Crop (till January,2023), the Committee was appraised during the discussion that Rs.409.1677 crore have already been spent and another expenditure of Rs.12.94 crore is likely to be made during coming February and March. On sale of 2022 KL Crop, 2.19 lakh quintals have already been sold fetching Sale Value of Rs.509.98 crore. The anticipated Sale Value for 2022 KL Crop is Rs.570.00 crore and anticipated Trade Surplus is Rs.90 crore.

PCCF, Kendu Leaf Smt. Mekro appraised that Rs.133.60 crore have already been disbursed to KL beneficiaries during 2022 towards various welfare measures out of Trade Surplus of 2021 KL Crop. Besides, Rs.83.16 crore have been disbursed to 8.12 lakh nos. of pluckers, Binders & Seasonal Staff as financial assistance towards Special package declared by the Hon’ble Chief Minister recently. An App ‘KL Anukampa’ with the help of ORSAC will be launched within a month for filling of death claim cases. A Coffee Table Book will also be unveiled shortly highlighting the activities both at departmental level and by KL workers, she said.

In 2021, Out of 2.651 lakh quintals of production of KL Crop, 2.63 lakh quintals have already been sold with sale value of Rs.596.48 crore. Rs.92.18 crore have been disbursed to KL beneficiaries during 2021 towards various welfare measures out of Trade Surplus of 2020 KL Crop.

Forest, Environment & Climate Change Additional Chief Secretary Dr. Mona Sharma, Water Resources Additional Chief Secretary Smt. Anu Garg, Principal Secretary for Finance Sri Vishal kumar Dev along with other senior officers from Forest & Environment department participated in discussion.

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