“Leave no one behind”

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Says NHRC, India in the 3rd Dialogue with the Asia Pacific Forum on Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities; Use of technology and Artificial Intelligence can be at the service of Persons with Disabilities

New Delhi(Kalinga Voice) :The National Human Rights Commission, NHRC, India co-hosted a virtual dialogue with the Asia Pacific Forum, APF on People with Disabilities, today on 18th July, 2022. The main theme of the dialogue included discussions on how the National Human Rights Institutions have promoted and protected the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, PwDs.

Opening the session, NHRC Member, Mr. Rajiv Jain, in his introductory remarks, threw light on the participation of the PwDs in public and political life. Mr. Jain focused on the voting rights empowering the PwDs for participation in public as well as political life. Mr. Jain called for affirmative action by the States for the promotion and protection of human rights of the Persons with Disabilities in line with various Articles of the United Nation Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UNCRPD ensuring equal opportunities for them. On the contributions by NHRC, India, Mr. Jain talked about the Advisories issued by the Commission and the NHRC Core Group on PwDs.

NHRC Member, Justice M.M Kumar speaking on the importance of Artificial Intelligence, AI in enhancing the accessibility for PwDs, focused on the regulatory responsibilities of Governments vis-a-vis the private sector when it comes to the development and use of AI. Drawing attention on the use of AI for the benefit of the PwDs, Justice Kumar said that depending on the type of disability and profile, communicating with others can be a challenge. But with technology and AI, with a motto of “leave no one behind” can be at service of PwDs. Listing out various apps for visually impaired people, for deaf or hard of hearing people, for people with physical disabilities and speech issues, for support in providing ease in mobility, Justice Kumar expressed the ability of AI to make lives independent.

Among others, Dr. Ben Gauntlett from the Australian Human Rights Commission and Ms. Sarah Hamza from the Malaysian Human Rights Commission spoke on Barriers to Inclusion; Ms. Sandrayatia Moniaga from Indonesian Human Rights Commission spoke on the role of NHRIs for strengthening the rights of persons with disabilities.

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