Lining of Taladanda Canal by CCGM

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This will facilitate smooth supply of water for irrigation and enhance the aesthetic view.

Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) :   Taladanda Main Canal is one of the oldest canals constructed during the British Era off-taking from River Mahanadi at Jobra and running up to Paradeep. It passes through Cuttack Millenium city.

Decision was taken by the Chief Minister, Odisha to renovate and upgrade Taladanda canal by cleaning and lining of Canal for a length of 1.5 Km i.e. from Jobra to Ranihat bridge for smooth supply of irrigation and also to enhance the aesthetic view of one of the oldest cities of Odisha.

       Water Resources department was entrusted with Improvement works of Taladanda canal with a target to complete it within 3 months. Water supply through Taladanda Canal is critical in supplying water to Paradeep Port area besides providing irrigation to nearly 63,751 ha of land through its system during Khariff and Rabi seasons. Hence the Department of Water Resources, took it as a challenge to complete it within the time frame.

     In order to complete the works with quality by adopting the best suitable methods, various alternative methods were examined. The cost of the improvement through construction of RCC trough walls / conventional lining upto road formation level is very high and time consuming. On the other hand, the alternative proposal of improvements using Cementious Composite Geo-Synthetic Mattress (CCGM), a new technology, widely used in various European countries and few states in India was thought of. Apart from the quality, which is the prime objective, this new technology was felt to be cost effective and from construction point of view, it required less time.

        Hence the Water Resources Department took  decision to take up the Canal lining with use of Cementious Composite Geo-Synthetic Mattress (CCGM) and awarded the work to Odisha Construction Corporation to complete it by March’2021. M/s Odisha Construction Corporation Ltd. took up the work on war footing basis and completed the work by March’2021 with a cost of Rs. 23.55 crores.

       The efforts of the District Administration, officers of Cuttack Municipality Coroporation and others in getting the area cleared from encroachers  is commendable and by which the target could be achieved.

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