√● 51 number of Isolation Coaches prepared for Covid Patients.
√● 3743 Liters of Sanitizer and 7732 numbers of Masks prepared.
√● Manufactured 104 nos of Bed with foam for Covid Patients.
√● 61 Nos. of Oxygen Cylinder Stand & 10 Nos. of Medical Equipment Trolley made.
√● 35 Nos. of Pedal operated Sanitizer Dispenser & 21 nos. of Pedal Operated hand wash basin prepared.
√● 222 Rail Coaches have been repaired and sent to Divisions.
Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice): During the Lockdown, when Passenger train operations were suspended except those of Special Trains and Shramik Specials, to carry stranded migrants to their homes; operation of freight and parcel trains continued to maintain an uninterrupted supply of essential goods. ECoR judiciously utilized this Lockdown time to augment many additional works.
To face the lockdown challenge, East Coast Railway Carriage Repair Workshop at Mancheswar, Bhubaneswar has come forward to prepare many Covis-19 related precautionary items for the benefit of both Railwaymen and Passengers & Rail Users.

When the whole world was in a state of turmoil, the Railwaymen at Mancheswar Carriage Repair Workshop have shown their prowess for which East Coast Railway retain itself in a dignified position. The employees of Workshop with their relentless courage and craftsmanship played a key role for the welfare of the society, even they are less in number rather than other Carriage Repair Workshops of the Country.
During the lockdown period from April to July, 2020; Carriage Repair Workshop (CRW) at Mancheswar under East Coast Railway had given emphasis to prepare in-house equipments related to Covid-19. From April to July months, CRW Mancheswar has prepared 51 numbers of Isolation Coaches for the Covid19 patients so that the pandemic virus will not be infected to other people.
CRW at Mancheswar has prepared 3743 Liters of Sanitizers and 7732 numbers of Face Masks for Railway Employees. The workshop has manufactured 104 numbers of bed with foam for Covid Patients.
Mancheswar Carriage Repair Workshop has provided a great success to East Coast Railway by executing auxiliary role in the Covid19 fight by manufacturing 2 nos. of Stretchers, 61 nos. of Oxygen Cylinder Stands, 4 nos. of Bio-Medical Waste Transport Trolley, 4 nos. of Medicine Trolley, 10 nos. of Medical Equipment Trolleys, etc.
Apart from this, 35 nos. of Pedal operated Hands free Sanitizer dispenser, 21 nos. of Pedal operated hands free hand wash basin, One ultraviolet currency sanitizer, Touch Free Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser, Covid-19 exam kiosk and Automatic Thermal Censor.
Even in this pandemic crisis, till now 316 Nos. of Coaches including ICF made 49 nos of AC & 233 Nos. Non-AC coaches, 22 Nos. of LHB AC & 11 Nos of Non-AC Coaches and other One AC Conventional Coaches have been turned out for use in different Railway Divisions apart from 8 Nos. of departmental Coaches, by clearing the backlog of coaches which are overdue for maintenance.
Mancheswar Carriage Repair Workshop has been praised for its outstanding work in periodical repairs and other activities due to the dedicated and hard working of it’s employees. The workshop has achieved 95 percent efficiency in the field of Coach Repairing.