Marwardi Society expresses gratitude to CM Naveen Patnaik for Launching BBSR-Jaipur Flight

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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) :Marwardi Samaj with all its collaborative associations has expressed gratitude to Chief Minister Sri Naveen Patnaik for launching the direct flight between Bhubaneswar and Jaipur of Rajasthan. The senior representatives of the Samaj submitted their letter of gratitude to Chief Minister through Chief Secretary Sri Suresh Chandra Mahapatra in Lokseva Bhawan conference hall today.

            Presenting the letter, senior members of the Samajmentioned, “Rajasthan and Odisha have long history of diverse cultural heritage.  The socio-religious connection between both the States is very ancient. In recent days both the States have surged as leading tourism states in India. The launching of direct flights will indeed be very helpful for thousands of travellers between these two soul-mate States. We thankfully submit for gratitude to Hon’ble Chief Minister Odisha for supporting this direct air service”.  

            Chief Secretary Sri Mahapatra said that the travellers between the two states had to face many difficulties as they had to travel either via Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Mumbai or Hyderabad which was time taking and more expensive. Realizing the need, Chief Minister took the historic decision of supporting the direct flight between Jaipur and Bhubaneswar. At the initial phase the flight would run for three days a week. Sri Mahapatra added that along with all other supports,the State Government would provide direct financial support of Rs.75,000/- per trip to Indigo, the flight operator. The direct flight while opening new avenues for growth of tourism, industry and business would also create new employment opportunities for the youths of Odisha. 

            Available information showed that the collaborative bodies like MarwadiSamaj, Jain Samaj, MaheswariSamaj, BikanirZillaNagrikParishad, ParsuramSamaj, ApnoParivar and Baba RamdevRunichewala Trust jointly submitted the letter of gratitude to the Chief Minister through Chief Secretary. The senior members of these bodies namely LaxmanMahipal, PrakashBhura, LachandMohta, SupkarnBhura, Bipin Banka, BachhrajBetala, GhanshyamPeriwal and NabratanBothra were present on the occasion.

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