Modernization of Electrical Systems and Wirings of Odisha High Court Building

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Old cabling system replaced with Busbar Trunking System

Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) :

BUSBAR TRUNKING SYSTEM and Electrical Control Room of High Court of Orissa have been inaugurated by Dr. S. Muarlidhar, the chief Justice, High Court of Orissa in presence of Shri C.R. Dash, Chairman, Building Committee of the Court and Shri. Justice Pramath Patnaik, Judge, High Court of Orissa, Member, Building Committee to the Court and other Judges of the Court through Video Conferencing.

Further,  Shri Ashok Kumar Parija, Advocate General, Odisha, Senior Advocate, Shri Jagabandhu Sahoo, President, of Orissa High Court Bar Association, Dr. Kishan Kumar, Secretary, Works Department the Engineer-in-Chief  (Building) Government Of Odisha and the Members of the Registry were present in the inaugural function through Virtual Mode.

The Chief Justice with a vision to modernize and update the pre-existing Sub-optimal electrical system to systematic and efficient cabling system adopted the technology of Busbar Trunking System, the Works Department executed and implemented the Project in the record time without distruption of the Court works.The Commissioner-Cum-Secretary, Works Department, Odisha, the, E.I.C. (Building) Including Other key officials, the whole process of procurement and installation of Busbar Trunking System in the High Court of Orissa could be completed within the time span of 33 days with required safety protocols and zero causally and the system was charged

The old electrical systems and wirings of High Court building were not only suboptimal and inefficient but also posed fire and safety hazard. The cable laying was haphazard and unsystematic. Therefore, with a vision to streamline/ organize the existing cabling system and to replace it with a newer technology, a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Chief Justice of India in presence of officials of Works Department, Odisha.
The key decisions taken in the meeting for Implementation of Busbar Trunking System from transformer to Electrical Control room.
and Implementation of Cable tray system for distribution of power from
control room to respective floor distribution panel. To decisions were taken for Casing & Capping system for network cables, wires and installation of new electrical control panels and installation of Energy Monitoring system.
Chief Justice of India directed to complete the project by 14.03.2021
before the physical court starts. Procurement and installation of the Busbar Trunking system, in a time span of 33 days, was a big task for the whole team. But due to continuous intervention of Registrar General, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Works, EIC (Buildings) and other key officials, the material could be delivered at site by M/s Legrand on the night of 11th march, 21.
Considering the urgent nature of the work, Hon’ble High Court permitted for shut down of whole electrical system from 11th to 14th March for installation of the new system and finally the system was charged on 21.03.2021. The whole process was completed in a time bound manner while observing the required safety protocols with zero causality. The credit goes to the whole team of Contractors and Electricians on job, who worked day and night to make this possible.

Benefits of ‘Busbar Trunking (BBT) System’
Design: Busbars have a compact design through which compressed flat
conductors can pass through the enclosure. Busbars require lesser space where thousands of amperes of electricity need to be transmitted.
Heat Absorption: It has a metal casing with well-defined surface. The system of cooling is much better than traditional cabling system. Monoblock design causes replacement of only one block .where as in cable entire cable has to be changed.
Lesser Time: Busbars can be mounted easily than a cable and lesser time of
installation than traditional cables.
Better Resistance: Busbars have rigid design elements and hence has better resistance than cables. voltage loss is much lower than cables for the same length.
Reduced Loss of Energy: Busbars have lower resistance than cables. Hence the loss of energy due to transmission and distribution is lower in Busbars.
Lower Electromagnetic Field: Due to the compact design and the steel shell, a comparatively lower electromagnetic field is created around a Busbar as compared to a cable. Hence communication cable can run along with the system
Ease of Distribution: Busbars help in easy, efficient and safe distribution.
Fire Resistant: It can withstand fire for 180 min up to 830 degree.
Safe and Secured: Busbars are fitted with a steel casing and cannot be
damaged by rodents as compared to cables.

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