MSMEs and start-ups have importance in propelling the state’s economic growth further –Asit Tripathy

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Youth have opportunities to set up ancillary industries

Bhubaneswar/Angul :   The 2ndday of the first ever district level investment promotion event, “Advantage Angul” was as interesting and engaging as the 1stday. Today, with sessions on the MSMEecosystem, Sustainable Development through industrialization, creation and role of CircularEconomy, Food Processing, as well as sessions on Carbon Trading, Green Industrial Hubs&Green Buildings attracted a large audience and overwhelming response from the MSME andStart-up ecosystem. Concept pitches from the innovative start-ups in the social and renewables sectors at the event provided a futuristic perspective of doing business as well as sustainability.

Shri Asit Kumar Tripathy,Principal Advisor to the chief minister of Odisha was the Chief Guest on day 2 as well, adding to the aura of the event. Addressing the event,  Shri Tripathy, spoke  the importance of MSMEs and start-ups in propelling the state’s economic growth further. He told that in Angul,  there are large  Steel and Aluminium Industries in the District. Youth have opportunities to start their own business here as ancillary business units. They can start Packaging,‘Can’ Industries etc. here and  this will be support them as more than job. 

The program was also graced by the distinguished presence of Smt. Ranjana Chopra, Principal Secretary, MSME Department, ShriBhupendra Singh Poonia, MD IPICOL and IDCO, Shri Atul Bagai, Head-UNEP, India and Mr.Sadique Alam, Director Industries. Senior representatives from Start-up Odisha, MSTC Odisha(MMRPT) and Development Alternative Group amply represented the private sector and proved to be an open house dialogue with all the stakeholders on a single platform. The event on day-2attracted200+delegates from various MSMEsandStart-ups.

Shri Siddharth Shankar Swain, Collector and District Magistrate Angul set the context and delivered the welcome address. Speaking about the MSME ecosystem in Odisha, Shri SadiqueAlam provided insights on the multiple government initiatives being undertaken by the MSME department.Shri. Bagai, took yesterday’s discussion on the Circular Economy model forward and impressed upon the importance of MSMEs to make the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) asuccess.Smt.Ranjana Chopra spoke on the role of sustainable development in delivering over all economic and social growth in the state.

Dr. Omkar Rai, Executive Chairman, Start-Up Odisha, provided an overview on the Start-up ecosystem in Odisha and also the support which is being provided by the state to encourage the upcoming start-ups.

The enlightening speeches from the panel was followed by launching of a book on topic “Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy. The UNEP also launched a Circularity Challenge and a document on the the me Growing with GRACE(GovernmentResponse forAchievingCircularEconomy).

          The opening session was followed by detailed presentations by industry stalwarts and senior government officials. Presentations were delivered themed around multiple topics including opportunities in the Food Processing Sector, Green Industrial Area/Park/Hub – Pre-requisitesand Technical Details, LC3, Secondary Building Materials, Green Building (Trading of CarbonCredits) and Vehicle Scrappage. The session concluded with the signing of 2 MoUs between IITKanpur, District Administration-Angul and between Development Alternatives and DistrictAdministration-Angul.

          In the post lunch session, 9 start-ups and 11 MSMEs from various fields of expertise presented their business ideas to the forum. The enthusiastic start-up founders were very well received by the audience and they could also gathers ome business interests from the interactions at the event.Some of the start-ups had also set-up exhibits at the venue, where they demonstrated theirproductsto the delegates oftheconference.

          Summing up the session Shri Siddharth Shankar Swain, Collector and District Magistrate AngulassuredunstintedsupportandhandholdingtotheupcomingMSMEsandStart-upsintheAnguldistrict. He also proposed the vote of thanks to the panel members, delegates, and the entireorganizingteam for making theeventa grand success.

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