National Health Mission, Odisha holds review meeting on Quality Assurance Initiatives

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DPMU Ganjam and CPMU Berhampur Municipal Corp felicitated for NQAS Certification

Bhubaneswar Dt 24.12.2024:– Getting the right care, at the right time and to the right patient are the key components of health systems. High quality care is the most important aspect of a high performing and sustainable health system, said Mission Director Dr. Brundha D during National Health Mission, Odisha’s State Level Review Meeting held here on Quality Assurance Initiatives.
Detailed reviews were done on the road map and progress of the districts and cities on National Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS), Labour Room Quality Improvement Initiative (LaQshya), MusQan Certification and Kayakalpa Incentives.
The District Programme Management Unit of Ganjam district and the City Programme Management Unit of Berhampur Municipal Corporation were felicitated in the meeting for NQAS Certification of 100% UPHCs.
Dr. Dinabandhu Panda, Special Secretary (MS), senior officers of NHM and Health & Family Welfare Department, DMO-Superintendent, DPM, DMRCH, AM-Quality Assurance, CPM and Hospital Managers of all 30 districts and 5 Municipal Corporations took part in the review meeting.

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