National Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in Coastal Regions

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“Invest in innovations, technology, strengthening institutional structures and community-level preparedness.”

Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice): National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) was held in Krushi Bhawan Bhubaneswar. The theme for the pre-event organized in Bhubaneswar, Odisha is: Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in Coastal Regions.

The pre-event was organized by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) and Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA). The occasion was graced by dignitaries from NDMA, NIDM, coastal states and Union Territories, academicians, representatives from national, international and UN organizations, other dignitaries.

Dr. Surya Prakash, Professor NIDM welcomed the dignitaries and the participants to the NPDRR pre-event to discuss, disseminate and exchange innovative ideas on coastal resilience.

Shri Pradeep Jena, Development Commissioner, ACS & MD OSDMA in his inaugural address emphasized the need for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Development Planning to mitigate the risks and build resilience. He shared his experiences and stressed upon the need to learn from different states and invest in innovations, technology, strengthening institutional structures and community-level preparedness to reduce the risks related to disasters and improve resilience.

Shri Harsh Gupta, Joint Secretary NDMA, in his address set the tone for the day and laid down the objectives to discuss the fundamental issues, the learnings, and challenges. These will help to identify the issues and practices to be adopted for policy-making decisions to strengthen and streamline disaster management initiatives in the country.

Shri Alok, Additional Secretary NDMA emphasized on robust institutional structure with sectoral participation as disaster requires technical experts from various fields to reduce the impact of disasters and prepare better.

The technical sessions were held on strengthening institutional structures like State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs), District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs), impact-based forecasting, strengthening of Early Warning Dissemination Systems, Emergency Operation Centres & Last Mile Connectivity, and disaster-resilient infrastructures and cyclone risk reduction measures. The representatives from different coastal states and Union Territories, experts from IMD, INCOIS, CDRI, GRIDCO Odisha and UNICEF shared their experiences, best practices and critical insights.

            The pre-event is part of the ‘National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction’ (NPDRR) which was first organized in 2013 with the objective to encourage the implementation of the Hyogo Framework of Action and create a pool of resources, scientists, and practitioners in disaster risk reduction. Since then it has become a regular feature. The third session of NPDRR will be organized in March 2023 in New Delhi. Prior to this, the pre-events are being organized in various states to foster a participatory approach in the process of decision-making in disaster management with the active involvement of the central and state governments and various stakeholders.

At the end of the session Executive Director, OSDMA Dr. Gyana Das has given vote of thanks.

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