National Youth Day Celebrated By Youth Red Cross

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Bhubaneswar : Today, on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, the State-level National Youth Day was organized by the Youth Red Cross in the courtyard of the Red Cross Bhawan. On this occasion, a large number of students from all the districts of the state came and participated in various competitions. In this program, the founder of Adruta  Children Home, Prof.Aditya Kumar Mohanty, joined as the guest of honor and said, ‘He who truly lives who lives for others’ is the hallmark of our Indian civilization to dedicate ourselves to the service of others. This is what makes our civilization great.


India is the most populous country in the world and our youth is our wealth. They can use their energy and potential in the right direction. Our country can be a leader. Humanity must be present in the youth of our country. In his speech, ShriBibhutiBhushanPattnaik, Secretary of the Indian Red Cross said.


Morning 9 am the students came and formed a human chain among themselves as a symbol of humanity and then flag hosting ceremony done in the premises of the Red Cross building and the competition started. Essay writing, debate,  drawing, general knowledge test, dance, song, cultural program, typing in Odia language etc. Around 130 students participated in the competition out of which the top three deemed worthy in each category of competition were awarded. followed by an educational session.

State NSS Officer Dr. Ramesh Chandra Behera gave the welcome speech and said that there are branches of NSS all over the state and their excellent work is definitely being appreciated. BJB College Principal Mrs.ItishreePadhi attended the program and gave very helpful advice to the students. Sri Laxman Swain, Junior Red Cross Officer gave vote of thanks.

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