Nirmana Shramika Kalayna Yojana Sahayata Bantana Sibira

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Sundargarh/Rourkela (Basanta Kumar Jena): ”Nirmana Shramika Kalayna Yojana Sahayata Bantana Sibira” was organised at Civics Centre, Sector 19, Rourkela under OB & OCWW and OUWSS Board. The Minister, Labour & ESI dept Sarada Nayak, MLA , Raghunathpali Subrat Tarei , Chairman Nuagaon Black, Sri Pradumna Tripathy, President BSSA, Sri Bendict Tirkey , Sundargarh Mazdoor Sangha, Sri Digambar Mohanty, Dist President, Sundargarh Un- organised workers Union , JLC, DLO, ALO Rourkela , all other officials and all trade union of Sundargarh Dist were attend the programme and distributed the following :

  1. Assistance for education 109 nos- Rs. 8,99,200/_
  2. Marriage Assistance 40 nos- Rs. 18,25,000/_
  3. Maternity benefit 03 nos. Rs. 30,000/-
  4. Death Assistance 58 nos Rs. 1,13,00,000/_
  5. Funeral Assistance- 53 nos—-Rs. 2,65,000/-

Total 263 beneficiaries — Amounting Rs. 1,43,19,200/–

Distribution of I card under OB&OCWW BOARD- 200 nos.
Distribution of I card under OUWSS Board —-100 nos

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