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Bhubaneswar/Kalinga Voice : Maintaining a happy sequence, a 99-year-old Covid-19 patient was wheeled out out of the SUM Covid Hospital here on Wednesday strengthening the hope that the pandemic can be defeated.

Muralidhar Das of Shahid Nagar area of the city was admitted into the hospital on May 9 with co-morbidities like hypertension, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

Aware of his age, doctors, nurses and para-medics took much care of the senior citizen. He also had suffered a stroke earlier.

Das responded to the treatment well and was discharged from the hospital.

The treating team, which had developed a special bond with Das who could not speak clearly, were overjoyed when he was discharged.

Earlier, two women Covid-19 patients, aged 98 and 90 years respectively, were treated successfully in the hospital.

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