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Bhubaneswar, Aug. 3: A two-member team of the National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), New Delhi, with whom Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (SOA) Deemed to be University here recently signed a technology licensing agreement while transferring three potential pharmaceutical technologies, visited the university on August 1 and 2 to interact with the researchers.
The simple, economical and innovative pharmaceutical formulations developed by the SOA researchers were intended to treat various chronic medical conditions like dry eye, throat infections and to mitigate long-term adverse events associated with cancer treatment.
The two member team comprising Mr. Amitabh Mishra, NRDC’s Chief and Head (Biotechnology) and in-charge, legal royalty and regulatory affairs and Ms. Priyanka Aswal, Technical Assistant, visited different SOA centres to know about available research facilities and interact with researchers for possible outcomes in the form of novel technologies, Prof. Goutam Rath, Professor at SOA’s School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SPS), said.
The NRDC, run under Ministry of Science and Technology, is known to facilitate transferring the innovative technologies developed in Indian colleges, universities and industries to potential technology seekers for large scale production and marketing. It also offers financial support to add more value to the owned technologies as per requirement of marketing authorization in the Indian market.
Mr. Mishra said he would prepare the Basic Engineering Design Package (BEDP) of one of the three products, Re-dispersible Bio-Tear composition for alleviating dry eye syndrome to collect complete know-how of the product for dossier preparation.
Mr. Mishra, who interacted with faculty members, researchers and Prof. S.C.Si, Dean of SPS, besides visiting the various labs, also called on SOA Founder President Prof. (Dr.) Manojranjan Nayak. He delivered a lecture in the university later. Prof. Rath and his team coordinated the visit of the NRDC team.
“The visit of Mr. Mishra will ensure awareness about the importance of developing technologies for the end users and the process of technology transfer to potential technology seekers,” Prof. Rath said.

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