NTPC Bhubaneswar celebrates Independence Day

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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice): The 74th Independence Day of India was observed today at NTPC Bhubaneswar following social distancing considering the current pandemic situation. Regional Executive Director  ( ER 2) Shri Sanjeev  Kishore hoisted the tricolor followed by singing of the National Anthem. 

The entire event was webcast via Microsoft Teams and the employees, as well as the family members, watched the event live. Shri Sanjeev  Kishore addressed everyone and spoke about the achievements of the NTPC  as well as the role played by NTPC Eastern Region 2 in Power Generation during COVID times. He also appreciated the efforts by NTPC Team in implementing the DDUGJY scheme in electrifying the remote villages of Odisha. NTPC is executing Rural Electricity Infrastructure & BPL households Electrification work under DDUGJY scheme and non BPL Households Electrification under SAUBHAGYA scheme in 15 districts of Odisha on behalf of GoO and respective DISCOMs. 15 districts were spread over 81,420 KMs of the area comprising 142 no blocks, Shri Sanjeev Kishore said.

Speaking on the occasion Shri Sanjeev Kishore said that today NTPC is India’s largest power utility with an installed capacity of 62910 MW. Group NTPC contributed nearly 22% of the total electricity requirement of India with only 17% share of country’ s total installed capacity.

 Shri Kishore informed that exemplary performances were achieved by flagship power plants namely Talcher Kaniha and Talcher Thermal in Angul District apart from 3 other NTPC power plants by featuring among the top ten performing thermal power plants in the country based on PLF performance. This demonstrates the expertise of NTPC in Operation and Maintenance of the power plants and the high levels of operational excellence,  Shri Sanjeev Kishore said.

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