Nursing Team of SUM Ultimate Medicare Felicitated by CII During Nursing Conclave

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Felicitation recognising the relentless service of Nursing Team of SUMM to combat the spread of coronavirus and also for treating the patients with utmost care

Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : In order to acknowledge the exceptional contribution made by the nurses, our angels, the true COVID warriors, towards society during the pandemic, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has taken a step towards felicitating the nursing team from SUM Ultimate Medicare (SUMM)  who had worked relentlessly 24X7 to combat against the spread of coronavirus and also treat the patients with utmost care. Every day, the selfless warriors are giving it their all while cutting themselves off from their families and loved ones. The sacrifice that they are making for the safety and welfare of humanity is priceless and deserves lifelong gratitude on our end. Since the coronavirus outbreak, all the caregivers have not only experienced the gratification of healing patients and saving their lives but have also lost many battles along the way. On top of that, many nurses have even sacrificed their own lives while discharging duty.

Since the coronavirus outbreak, SUM Ultimate Medicare – a multispecialty,  quaternary care hospital with a patient-first philosophy, and its team of healthcare professionals including nurses have played a vital role in providing compassionate care and healing to the covid and non-covid patients. With its advanced infrastructure and the team of highly skilled doctors and clinical staff, SUM Ultimate Medicare has treated a host of complicated cases and is the first hospital to diagnose black fungus in Odisha. SUM Ultimate Medicare (SUMUM) was founded to embody the dream of Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan or SOA; which envisaged world-class, affordable, and inclusive healthcare to the masses. “A dream that was envisioned by Dr. (Prof.) Manojranjan Nayak Founder President of Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan” said Dr Swetapadma Dash, CEO- SUM Ultimate Medicare.

The Certificate was handed over by Mr Sanjay Pattnaik, Past Chairman, CII Odisha State Council and Director (Mines), Essar Minmet Limited to Dr Swetapadma Dash, CEO- SUM Ultimate Medicare, Dr ( Brig. ) Biraj Mohan Mishra – Chief of Medical Services, Mr. Malaya Ranjan Mishra-HR Head, Ms Ayesha. N, Chief of Nursing Services and the whole team of Nursing from SUM Ultimate Medicare. Other guests present during this felicitation were Ms Jayashree Mohanty, Chairwoman, CII IWN Odisha and President, Luminous Infoways Pvt Ltd and Ms Priti Agrawalla, Vice- Chairwoman, CII IWN Odisha and Managing Head, Inline Controls and Equipment.

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