Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice): ‘Dikshyant Samaroha’ of the Induction Training of 31 OAS probationers, comprising of 13 Women and 18 men, was organized by Gopabandhu Academy of Administration (GAA) at Swosti Premium Plaza, Bhubaneswar on Friday.
Shri. Raj Kumar Sharma, IAS, Director General of the Academy presided over the ceremony. Shri Pradeep Kumar Jena, IAS, Chief Secretary of Odisha was the Chief Guest. ShriSatyabrataSahu, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management, and Forest. Environment& Climate Change Departmentsand ShriSushilKumar Lohani, IAS, Principal Secretary, Panchyati Raj& DW, Excise and SSEPD graced the occasion as the Guests of Honor.
In his presidential address, Shri Raj Kumar Sharma, IAS reiterated the core philosophy and principles of training. He enlightened on how there has been paradigm shift in the content of civil services as well as composition of civil service officers. Today, the officers need to be agile and must have the know how to deliver the best within a short time, with the interventions of technology like Artificial Intelligence. He advised the young officersto cultivate the habit of reading and strategic thinking. He advised the officers to take optimum advantage from the recently institutionalized mentor-ship program wherein out-standing senior officers of the State are associated. He advised the probationers to remember Gandhi’s Talisman whenever they are in dilemma to take a decision in their public life.
The Chief Secretary, OdishaShri Jana thanked the Director General, Gopabandhu Academy for having initiated many things for the first time in the Academy to enhance the quality of teaching and learning experiences.
While addressing the OAS probationersShri Jena mentioned that the officers would soon be assigned with positions and powers. He reminded that power comes with responsibility in administration. He advised them to choose the path of honesty and integrity all through their career. Good behaviour, politeness, right attitude and aptitude would enable them resolving any issue in the field. Despite multiple constraints, one officer has to work for the well-being of the citizens by honoring to their ever growing aspirations and expectations. He said that the officers would be under the radar of ‘5T’. Their performance would be monitored on how effectively the public services are delivered for the good governance at each level. He mentioned that Odisha has been experiencing many positive changes, especially during the last two years. Government of Odisha has been putting “Zero Tolerance” to corruption. While wishing ‘good luck and all the best’ to the probationers, he also mentioned that each positive thing done would get registered in God’s account’s book. Each good work leads to peace of mind.
ShriSatyabrataSahu, IAS mentioned that BDOs and Tehsildars are the left and right hands of administration in the field. Revenue Department was covered under the first phase of 5T initiatives in 2019. Now a mutation case is completed within 21 days where as it was taking 93 days earlier.Now, all revenue services are time-bound. Revenue Department provides about 60,00,000 services each year.Even 1% of complain counts to 60,000 which is obviously very large. Hence, officers cannot afford not to work on time with transparency. The young officers are the images of the government in the field.The expectations of people have increased, so stress is likely to be mounted on them. Officers must have work-life balance. So, they mustcontinue to pursue their habits like reading, writing, singing, painting, dancing, gardening, etc.
ShriSushilKumar Lohani, IAS, mentioned that OAS officers are the backbone of the administration of Government of Odisha. He advised that officers must be accessible, empathetic and concerned to the need of people. They must be polite with people. He suggested the officers to be techno-savvy. They need to highlight the activities of concerned department and schemes of the Government in social media. He expressed his happiness that most of the OAS probationers are likely to join Panchayat Raj departments.

The OAS pprobationerstook oath (i) to bear true allegiance to the constitution of India and laws of the land; (ii) to discharge their duties with utmost honesty, integrity and impartiality and without fear or favour, (iii) to acquire and upgrade their knowledge and skills to discharge their duties efficiently, and (iv) to dedicate themselves to selfless teamwork for serving the people of India and Odisha. Shri. Raj Kumar Sharma, IAS, DG, GAA advised them to frame this signed oath and keep it at their easy access for regular reference throughout their career.
At the beginning, a power point presentation on the structure and highlights of the induction training programme was presented by the Director, Centre of Excellence.
For the first time, with the initiatives of the Director General, GAA, a mentor-ship programme was instituted as a part of the induction training of OAS probationers. Each probationer was attached to a mentor who happens to be a senior bureaucrat in the state. Both mentor and mentee interacted with each other not only to clear the mentee’s doubts on public administration, but also to get enriched with the experience and expertise of the mentor in resolving the critical real-life dilemma.
The Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour felicitated the mentors, namely, ShriDillipRoutrai, IAS, ShriGangadharSahoo, IAS, Shri Manoj Kumar Pattnaik, IAS, ShriUday Narayan Das, IAS.

The probationers were distributed with their training completion certificates. Shri K. Venketeswar Reddy bagged the best probationers trophy. ShriTitasMahandia and Ms DipteemayeePatra jointly stood in second position.Ms.DipteemayeePatra, while sharing her experience of the induction training programme, had expressed her heart-felt thanks for GAA to have conducted such an interesting and educative training programme.
For the first time, GAA had asked the probationer’s choice of Best Guest Faculty and ShriSaroj Kumar Sahoo, OAS, Additional Secretary to Government, Revenue Department was felicitated by the Director General, GAA for the same. ShriSahoo’s command over the subject and mode of teaching was appreciated by one and all.
The Director General, GAA presented mementos to the Chief Guest and Guests of Honor. On this occasion the newsletter, namely, ‘Academy News-2023 Vol. (1)’, published by the CoE in GAA, was released by the Chief Secretary, Odisha. The newsletter contains various innovative initiatives undertaken in recent months by the apex training institute of Odisha.

Shri. Manish Agarwal, IAS, Additional Director General coordinated the ‘Dikshyant Samaroha’ for its smooth conduct. The Course Director of the induction training programme Dr.HimanshuBhusan Panda, IOFS, Additional Commissioner, GAAhad given the welcome address. Dr.Mamatarani Naik, Joint Director, GAA, the Associate Course Director of the induction training programme, anchored the programme and gave the formal vote thanks to all participants present over the ‘DikshyantSamaroaha’.