Odisha conducts more than 1 lakh tests in 2 days

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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : The Government Odisha continues to focus on improving the testing rate in the State to control Corona virus. Achieving another significant milestone, the State has conducted 1 lakh tests within 2 days.

The State is close to cross the significant milestone of One Million total tests.The positivity rate in the state has come down drastically from 9.2% a month back to 5.5% on August 16th.

Ganjam district leads the tests with 14,953 tests in two days, which is more than many states in the country. The positivity rate continues to fall in Ganjam to 3.6%. This is a huge improvement in the situation of the district compared to few weeks back.

The fatality rate in Odisha continues to be among the lowest in the country at around 0.58%. It indicates the strength of the dedicated Covid care system of hospitals and covid care centres and homes established across the State in every district.

Odisha is probably the only state where the entire cost of treatment is provided free of cost, while maintaining high standards of treatment through unique partnerships with reputed private hospitals.

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