Odisha further increases tests per day to nearly 50,000

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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) The State government continued to increase the tests per day, on August 14th, conducted 47,887 tests, which is single day highest no of tests conducted so far.

Within a short span of 5 days, the State government has increased tests from around 20,000 to almost 50,000. In spite of the logistical issue of supply of large no of test kits, the State was able to achieve. Kendrapara has been leading in terms of testing and control of the virus. With a total test of 40,267, the district has conducted 26,800 tests per million which is way above the national average of 20,514 Tests per million. The cumulative positivity rate is 1.95% which is much below the national average of 8.89 %.
On August 14th, total 3099 tests were conducted with 13 positive cases. The Tests per million per day is 1997, compared to 602 at National level. The positivity is much less at 0.43% indicating that the virus is quite under control in the district.

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