Odisha Government approves 25 Industrial Projects in its 115th SLSWCA Meeting

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25 Projects worth INR 5,827.27cr with an employment potential of 25,292 got a nod from SLSWCA

Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice): State Level Single Window Clearance Authority (SLSWCA) of the Govt.of Odisha held its 115th meeting today, under the chairpersonship of Chief Secretary to Government, Mr Pradeep Kumar Jena. SLSWCA approved 25 industrial projects during this meeting with a cumulative investment of INR 5,827.27cr, and expected employment generation for over 25000 people. It also recommended 3 large projects of investment value of approx. Rs. 28,000 Cr and employment opportunities for around 19,000 people, to the High-Level Clearance Authority (HLCA). Out of the multiple investment intents garnered during the MIO Conclave 2022, 16 projects were put up for approval in today’s meeting.

With grit, determination and hard work, the state government is ensuring that they transform the garnered investments into ground reality as seamlessly as possible.The Govt.of Odisha is actively encouraging investors to invest in the state and reap marvellous results from them. The state witnessed the receival of massive investments intents spanning across sectors like infrastructure, food processing, tourism, IT infrastructure, IT & ESDM, pharmaceutical, plastic, chemical and petrochemical, steel, textile, apparel andtechnical textile and many more. The approved projects are set to be set up at various districts of Odisha like Khurdha, Cuttack, Jajpur, Jagatsinghpur, Mayurbhanj, Sundergarh& Bhadrak etc.

The SLSWCA approved 3 projects in the plastic sector, which reflect total investment of INR 392.10cr and are jointly expected to provide employment opportunities to 664 people of the state. Shri Maa Packaging Ltd, Chemco Plastic Industries Pvt. Ltd. and Cool Caps Industries Ltd. are set to come up with their respective units at Malipada, Khordha.

A total of 8 projects received a nod in the steel segment, including 3 projects in the steel downstream segment and 2 projects in the steel, ferro alloys segment. The 8 projects are estimated to provide employment opportunities to over 3000 people of the state. While 3 of the units are set to come up at Kalinga Nagar, the rest of them will be set-up in various other parts of the state like Mandiakudar, Bonai, Lathikata, Rairangpur and Jamda Block. A total of INR 2418.49 cr has been invested by these 8 organizations from the steel sector.

In the food processing segment, 3 projects got approval from the state’s SLSWCA. While Dodla Dairy Limited and one unit of Krupalu Kunja are set to establish their dairy products manufacturing units at Jagatsinghpur and Dhanpur, Block-Korei respectively, another unit of Krupalu Kunja is set to put up a modern rice mill at Tajpur, Block-Korei area. In total, the segment witnessed an investment of INR 164.99 cr and is expected to generate 491 employment opportunities.

Musaddilal Projects Private Limited (Scalar) and SGBL Infosystems Private Limited are the two projects which got approved in the infrastructure segment in SLSWCA’s 115th meeting. With a total investment of INR 213 cr, the projects are jointly expected to generate 6340 employment opportunities. Both the projects are to be set up in Cuttack.

SNM Hotels and Resorts Private Limited is all set to establish their hotel and resort facility at Sahukhanata, Tahasil- Gop in the district of Puri. While the organization invested a total amount of INR 80.62 cr in the state, it is expected to provide employment opportunities to more than 150 people of the state.

In the IT & ESDM segment, the body approved 2 projects with a cumulative investment of INR 203.71 cr. While D N Homes Pvt Ltd will come up with its data center facility and IT infrastructure with modern amenities at Info Valley –II, Dist- Khordha, NMDC Data Center Pvt Ltd will set up its data center facility which will offer co-location managed cloud hosting services at EMC Park (Infovalley).In the IT & ESDM/ green energy equipment sector Ampin Solar Private Limited got an approval to set up its manufacturing facility of solar cells and modules at EMC Park (Infovalley)

With a total investment of INR 95.96 cr, Royale Hotels Private Limited will set up an IT park at Khurda. In the pharmaceutical segment, SLSWCA gave a nod to Tropic Resources Private Limited which is expected to set up an IV Infusion and a Mineral Water Plant at Rourkela, Sundargarh. On the other hand, DryChem India Pvt. Ltd invested an amount of INR 57.50 to set up manufacturing facility for gypsum plaster and gypsum Board, RMP tile adhesive and wall putty at Dhamra, Bhadrakh.

In the textile, apparel and technical textile sector, Shahi Exports Private Limited Odisha-3 (New Unit)received a nod and is set to come up with its readymade garments unit at Khurdha. With an investment of INR 250 cr, this project is expected to provide employment opportunities to 10,000 people of the state.In the chemical and petrochemical segment NgazParadeep Private Limited has received an approval to set up its refrigerated propane and butane (LPG) storage terminal of 2 MTPA capacity at Paradip, Jagatsinghpur. With an investment of INR 900 cr, the project is expected to generate 600 employment opportunities.

The Government of Odisha has always welcomed industrialists with open arms and has encouraged businesses to invest in the state. Owing to availability of a host of natural resources, Odisha is constantly proving itself to be one of the most ideal states for investment.Additionally, the state government is actively ensuring that they work on every single project individually and transform the investment intent received into ground reality. Alongside every other factor which firms the position of Odisha as an ideal location for businesses, the state government’s friendly policies and responsiveness add further to the credibility and ensure a hassle-free procedure for investors.


Projects for 115th SLSWCA
S.NoProject NameProject Description Project Cost (Rs in Crores) Employment (Potential)SectorLocation
1Ampin Solar Private LimitedManufacturing facility of solar cells and modules950.001,750IT & ESDM/ Green Energy EquipmentEMC Park (Infovalley) ,Dist-Khordha
2Shahi Exports Private Limited Odisha-3 (New Unit)Readymade garments Unit250.0010,000Textile, Apparel& Technical textileKhurdha
3Prayan Odisha Metaaliks Private Limited2.4 MTPA Iron Ore Beneficiation plant, 1.2 MTPA Pellet plant, 0.225 MTPA Blast Furnace, 0.2 MTPA SMS & Rolling Mill, 0.3 MTPA Sponge iron, 0.1 MTPA Ferro Alloys and 25 MW CPP980.00626SteelBonai, Dist-Sundergarh
4RCR Steel Works Private Limited2.4 MTPA Iron Ore Beneficiation Plant & 2.4 MTPA Iron Ore Pellet Plant392.56280SteelJamda Block Dist- Mayurbhanj
5Rungta Metals Private Limited (RMPL)- Unit IITilting Colour Coated Galvalume Sheets manufacturing plant (Installed capacity- 200000 MT)196.55214SteelRairangpurDist- Mayurbhanj
6Tech AIC DRI Pellets Pvt. Ltd.Ductile Iron Pipe manufacturing unit of capacity 2,16,000 MT per annum300.00162Steel (Downstream)Kalinga Nagar I.E Dist- Jajpur
7Bee Pee Rollers Pvt Ltd42,000 MT MS Pipe, 42,000 MT MS Strips, 48,000 MT MS Structure and 18,000 MT Electroplating unit80.00300Steel (Downstream)LathikataDist- Sundergarh
8Highco Engineers Pvt Ltd45,000 MT Steel Wires and Steel Tubes unit51.40655Steel (Downstream)Kalinga Nagar I.E Dist- Jajpur
9Agrasen Sponge Private LimitedExpansion of its unit by adding 1×350 TPD Sponge Iron Plant, 0.6 MTPA Pellet Plant, 2×9 MVA Silico Manganese, 24,000 TPA MS Pipe and 16 MW CPP (7 MW WHRB + 9 MW AFBC)217.38594Steel (Ferro Alloys)Mandiakudar, Dist: Sundargarh
10Visa Coke Limitedexpansion of the project by setting up 1,20,000 TPA Ferro Alloys plant200.60300Steel (Ferro Alloys)Kalinga Nagar, Dist- Jajpur.
11NgazParadeep Private LimitedRefrigerated Propane & Butane (LPG) Storage Terminal of 2 MTPA capacity900.00600Chemical & PetrochemicalParadip, Jagatsinghpur
12Shri Maa Packaging Ltd.new PP Raffia Fabric, Woven Sacks, Pinchbottom Bags, CPP Film, allied products manufacturing unit having annual capacity of 25,000 MTPA239.61440PlasticMalipada, Khordha
13Chemco Plastic Industries Pvt. Ltd.New manufacturing unit for PET Preforms & PET Jar Bottles, having annual capacity of 20,000 M77.00170PlasticMalipada, Khordha
14Cool Caps Industries Ltd.New manufacturing unit for Plastic caps, Pet preforms and other allied products, having annual capacity of 1,017.67 Million Pc75.4954PlasticMalipada, Khordha
15Tropic Resources Private LimitedIV Infusion and Mineral Water Plant100.90235PharmaceuticalRourkela, Sundargarh
16D N Homes Pvt LtdDatacentre facility and IT infrastructure with modern amenities149.581,400IT & ESDMInfo Valley –II, Dist- Khordha
17NMDC Data Center Pvt LtdDatacentre facility offering co-location managed cloud hosting services54.1360IT & ESDMEMC Park (Infovalley), Dist-Khordha
18Royale Hotels Private LimitedIT Park95.96100IT InfrastructureKhurda
19Dodla Dairy LimitedDairy products manufacturing unit55.00325Food ProcessingJagatsinghpur
20Krupalu KunjaDairy products manufacturing unit53.0768Food ProcessingDhanpur, Block-Korei, District – Jajpur
21Krupalu KunjaSetting up a Modern rice mill56.9298Food ProcessingTajpur, Block-Korei in the district of Jajpur
22Musaddilal Projects Private Limited (Scalar)Multi Model Logistic Park105.001,250InfrastructureCuttack
23SGBL Infosystems Private LimitedWarehousing cum Logistic Park in two phases108.005,090InfrastructureCuttack
24SNM Hotels And Resorts Private LimitedHotel and Resort facility80.62171Tourismvillage Sahukhanata, Tahasil- Gop in the district of Puri
25DryChem India Pvt. Ltdmanufacturing facility for Gypsum Plaster & Gypsum Board, RMP Tile adhesive and Wallputty57.50350Cement & Cement ProductsDhamra, Bhadrakh
  Total          5,827.27             25,292  

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