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  • The database is prepared, Task Force Committees are formed
  • Assessment of cold chain points has been completed

Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : Odisha has geared up preparation for the COVID- vaccination and a complete database of health care workers has been prepared .3.2 Lakh Health Care Workers including 1.4 lakh ICDS functionaries (AWWs, Helpers, Supervisors & CDPOs) have been enrolled from 3898 Health facilities (Govt: 2245 & Private: 1653). 8267 vaccinators and 29,276 session sites have been identified to carry out vaccination.Data base of HWCs has been uploaded by districts in Co-WIN Portal, says Health & Family Welfare Department in a press release.

Assessment of cold chain points has been completed and space has been identified for the storage of COVID-19 vaccine. As per the information m there is a total of 1222 Cold chain points in the State for safe storage of COVID-19 vaccine. There will be one State Vaccine store, 9 Regional vaccine stores, and 32 district vaccine store (including Bhubaneswar & Rourkela) and 1180 cold chain points in at the PPC / CHC / Block PHC / PHC / Sub-Centers level .

For the overall supervision of the vaccination process, the State Steering Committee, State Task Force Committee, District Task Force Committees, and Block Task Force Committees have been constituted and notified by the Department. Regular meetings at different levels are being conducted to review the preparedness from time to time. State and Districts AEFI Committee has been notified and SCB MCH, Cuttack has been notified as State Technical Collaborating Center for AEFI management, informs H& FW Department in the release.

The State level ToT was conducted for District level program officers on COVID-19 Operational guideline and all districts have started the training of block program officers.

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