Odisha records growth rate of 30.28% with mop up of OGST and IGST Settlement of Rs. 1675.77 Cr during May 2023

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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice): The State has recorded a Gross GST collection of Rs. 4397.73 Cr during May, 2023 against collection of Rs.3955.75 Cr. over the corresponding period of previous year with a growth rate of 11.17%. The progressive Gross GST collection up to May 23 stands at Rs. 9433.47 Cr

against a collection of Rs. 8865.98 Cr up to May 22 recording a growth rate of 6.40%. Further, the collection to be retained by the State consisting of OGST and IGST settlement has recorded a growth of 30.28% during May’23 with collection of Rs. 1675.77 Cr as against collection of Rs. 1286.29 Cr during May’22. The progressive collection to be retained by the State (OGST + IGST Settlement) till May 23 stands at Rs. 4034.94 Cr against a collection of Rs. 2966.29 Cr till May 22 recording a growth of 36.03%.

The collection under all Acts is monitored by the Commissionerate of CT & GST, Odisha including GST/ VAT/ Entry Tax / Profession Tax is Rs. 2711.04 Cr during the month of May’23 as against collection of Rs. 2311.78 Cr during May’22 with a growth rate of 17.27%. During May 2023, 20.40 Lakh of waybills have been generated vis-à-vis 17.26 Lakh of waybills generated during May 2022 recorded a growth of 18.19% reflecting the buoyancy in the economic sector.

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