Orion 2021, the first college fest of Odisha and second in the Nation goes digital

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Cuttack, (Kalinga Voice) : 7th edition of annual fest Orion 2021 of Sri Sri University was inaugurated on the 29th of January. The inaugural ceremony of Orion 2021 was graced by Shri Jyoti Prakash Panigrahi, Hon’ble Minister of Tourism, Odia Language, Literature and Culture of Odisha as the Chief Guest and MsAnu Chaudhary, film actress of Ollywood as Guest of Honour, President Sri Sri University MrsRajita Kulkarni, Director Operations Shri Narendra Lamba, Vice-Chancellor Dr. Ajay Kumar, Singh, Dr B.R.Sharma Executive Registrar and Directorate Student Affairs Captain(IN) Chandra Shekhar Panda, were among the other dignities present.

The ceremony portrayed the values and ethics of Sri Sri University and the Motto of Orion, “the best of East and the best of West”. The inauguration ceremony commenced with Guru Pooja performed by Shri Narendra Lamba followed by SaraswatiVandana.

Captain(IN) Chandrasekhar Panda addressed the audience and welcomed all to the fest. The Guest of Honour, Ms. Anu Chaudhary addressed the gathering by giving emphasis on the retention of Indian Culture and traditions while adopting modern culture. she also stressed the preservation of nature and spread awareness among the young generation.

The chief guest, Shri Jyoti Prakash Panigrahiadvised students on the implication of spirituality towrads creating scientific temperament and clarity on thethought process. He cited the example of PoojyaGurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and his contribution towards the betterment of the society. Further, he declared the Orion 2021 open.

 Professor Ajay Kumar Singh, Vice-Chancellor spoke on the role of the student towards Nation building and emphasised on the struggle made by famous personality to achieve their aim. He advised the student to face all the situation with a smile. MrsRajita Kulkarni, President, Sri Sri University expressed her views on the impact of pandemic on education sector which brought a positive changes among educationists to bring the new era of education. She also highlighted the impact of technology for educationist to think out of the box. Executive Registrar, Dr. B R Sharma offered vote of thanks and the inaugural ceremony ended with the national anthem.

The Cultural Week, UMAANG and the business week, TAKSHAK of Orion-21 have been scheduled from 30th January till 5th February 2021 which includes 15 academic and cultural events. There will be a celebrity night on 6th and 7th February 2021 through virtual mode. A footfall about 20,000 students across the globe is expected to participate in Orion 2021.

Sri SriTattva, NutriZing,Sreepriya Exports,Ojasvita, B-Yogi, WaiWai, House of Jersey areouresteemed  Sponsor for ORION 2021.

Sri Sri University welcomes all to the annual fest of Orion 2021. All the event will go online on Facebook,Instgram and YouTube.

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