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Bhubaneswar: A Review cum Planning meeting on Sanitation and Waste Management held today in the conference hall of H & UD Department under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary H & UD Department G.Mathi Vathanan, to assess and chalk out plan of action to meet the desired output and outcome as well.
Various aspects such as 100 percent Door to Door collection, Effective management of Wealth Centre,100 percent Mo Toilet Construction in Slum areas, Construction of Toilets, Cleaning of Drains before Monsoon etc were discussed during the meeting.
Community Partnership model needs to be adopted by all ULBs of Urban Odisha while designing Action Plan on Sanitation and Waste management directed by Principal Secretary, H& UD Department in a Review Cum Planning meeting held with all ULBs.
Director Municipal Administration cum Mission Director, SBM, Urban, Odisha Sangramjit Nayak, IAS urged all ULBs to bring change in their mind set to work hard and sincerely for bringing a change in the Lives of Urban Denizens. “Monitoring by ULB authorities will ensure better service delivery for Sanitation and Waste Management” he added .
Senior Officers of the Department, Deputy Commissioners of Municipal Corporations ,Executive Officers of ULBs, Sanitation experts and other professionals were present in the meeting.
Major highlights of the meeting are all ULBs to prepare Action Plan (April 2023 to March 2024) (Road Map) for proper Sanitation and Waste Management in Urban Odisha. Community Partnership Model which is the Hallmark of each intervention must be taken in to account while designing the Plan.
100 % collection must be ensured by each ULB. Three Principles (Embarrass, Explain and Educate) must be adopted to sensitise for the purpose along with stickering at Households and establishments.
All ULBs to ensure the payment to Community Partners and Tulip Professionals by 7th of every month without fail. Market Areas and other high foot fall areas needs to be swept. 100% IHHT( Mo Toilet ) is all Slum Areas and 100% IHHL Construction in Urban Odisha.
Importance to be given for constructing Aspirational Toilets( at least 10 in Municipal Corporation,4 in Municipalities and 2 in NACs( A review meeting would be held by the Department after 15 days of this meeting). Similarly target regarding LOO to be achieved by all ULBs.
All Drains to be de-silted and covered (except big natural drains) before Monsoon. Regular Review of Swachh Sathis and Swachh Supervisors to be ensured by all ULBs. Enhancing Capacity of MCC and MRF must be taken up to meet the requirement.
All equipment at Wealth Centres must be functional including Shredding machine. All left out community partners must be provided with Cycle and uniform at the earliest. CP cell of the Department may be consulted for the purpose.
Indent to be collected from various line departments and organisations to ensure 100 % sell of Mo Khata before Monsoon.
Proper/ Accurate reporting must be done in Ama Saaha App regarding Mo khata. It is observed that that there is discrepancy in reporting and actual availability.
All ULBs to prepare themselves for Swachh Survekshan 2023 to secure good ranking in Swachh Survekshan 2023. Enforcement squad must move around the city to monitor and regulate single use plastic ban. ID card for CSWs to be ensured on priority basis under Garima. Health Check-up camp and 14420 to be ensured too.

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