Pattapur PS of Ganjam district in Odisha awarded as the Second Best Police Station in the Country

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Bhubaneswar: Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah today awarded  Pattapur Police Station of Ganjam district in Odisha as the Second Best Police Station in the Country during the DGsP/IGsP Conference – 2024 which began in Convention Centre, LokaSeva Bhawan, Bhubaneswar. DGP Odisha, ShriYogesh Bahadur Khurania who is attending the DGsP/IGsP Conference– 2024 said that it was a moment of great pride and honour for Odisha Police.

     The ranking of Police Stations across the country is an annual exercise by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The judgement is done based on different parameters including Crime rate, Investigation, Disposal of cases, Closure and use of CCTNS, Enforcement, Detection rate, Recovery value, Conviction, Miscellaneous, Infrastructure and delivery of public services.

DGP took keen interest and provided his valuable inputs and guidance in construction and up gradation of infrastructure of the police station.DGP ShriKhurania congratulated GanjamSP ShriSuvendu Kumar Patra, the officers and staff of the State and District police.

     ShriSabyasachiMalla, IIC,Pattapur Police Station has received the prestigious award with certificate of appreciation from the Union Home Minister.


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