Post-COVID Mother & Child Clinic’ Opens in KIMS

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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : During the last eight months, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected about 3 lakh people in Odisha, while about 2.9 lakh have recovered from it. KIMS Dedicated Covid Hospital has treated over 6000 cases. About 150 Covid positive pregnant mothers were hospitalized and delivered the new-born by normal delivery as well as cesarean section. About 25% of those discharged are likely to have prolonged weakness, fatigue, breathlessness, cough, fever or other symptoms. They don’t know where to report for checkups. To facilitate their health check-up, KIMS hospital has started a “Post-Covid Mother & Child Clinic” from 16th November 2020. This clinic will have a senior obstetrician and pediatrician who will look after the mother and child together and render advice. All types of tests, imaging are available in the campus and if advised the mother & child can be seen by a Cardiologist, Pathologist and Neurologist or Physicians. This OPD will function on all working days.

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