Restructure and revision of Pay structure of Odisha Multipurpose Health Worker (Female) Service Cadre

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Bhubaneswar: Transformation of Hospitals in Govt. of Odisha has been going on. In this context, Govt. of Odisha have been pleased to restructure and revise the pay structure of Odisha Multipurpose Health Worker (Female) Service Cadre of Health and Family Welfare Department due to increase in patient load in Govt. hospitals. For efficient and smooth management of healthcare facilities following changes have been made:

            Out of existing sanctioned strength of 12738 posts of MPHW(F) at Pay Lavel-5 under ORSP Rules, 2017, 4458 posts shall stand abolished, in lieu of creation of equal number of posts, i.e. 4458 no. of posts, in the new promotional hierarchy of MPHW(F), L-I at Pay Level-9 under ORSP Rules, 2017, thereby, leaving a total of 8280 posts at the base level, which shall be re-designated as MPHW(F), L-II at Pay Level-5 under ORSP Rules, 2017.

            The existing 1228 posts of MPHW(F) at Pay Level-9 under ORSP Rules, 2017, shall be upgraded to the next higher scale, i.e. to Pay Level-10 under ORSP Rules, 2017 and the existing MPHW(F) posts will be re-designated as MPHW(F), L-II. In addition to this, there shall be creation of 1319 no of posts of MPHW)F), L-II, thereby arriving at a total of 2547 posts of MPHW(F), L-II at the 3rd level of the restructured cadre hierarchy/promotional hierarchy.

            The existing MPHS(F)s at Pay Level-9 under ORSP Rules, 2017 and getting basic pay less than or equal to Rs. 44,900 will get the initial basic pay as in Cell-1 of Level-10 as per ORSP Rules, 2017, after their upgradation to MPHS(F), L-II at Pay Level-10 under ORSP Rules, 2017. Further, the existing MPHS(F) at Pay Level-9 under ORSP Rules, 2017 and getting basic pay more than Rs. 44,900 will simply be placed at the corresponding pay level in Level-10 under ORSP Rules, 2017, without any fixation of pay/increment.

            There shall be creation of 545 no. of posts of MPHS(F), L-I at Pay Level-11 under ORSP Rules, 2017 at the 4th level of the restructured cadre hierarchy/promotional hierarchy.

            There shall be creation of 01 post of Assistant Director at Pay Level-12 under ORSP Rules, 2017 at 5th level of the restructured cadre hierarchy/promotional hierarchy. After restructuring, the total strength will be 15831.

            Necessary changes in Odisha Multipurpose Health Worker (Female) Service Cadre Rules, 2019 will be made by Health and Family Welfare Department in due course.

            This Resolution shall come into force with effect from the date of publication of the Gazette Notification.

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