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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : Sahodaya Schools Complex Science Exhibition 2023 was held on 29 Nov 2022 in Sainik School Bhubaneswar between 0800 hrs and 1500 hrs. The exhibition was inaugurated by the junior most cadet of Sainik School Bhubaneswar. A total of 160 students (along with their teachers) from 38 schools across Odisha participated in the exhibition and participants were divided into 2 categories, Junior(Class6 to 8)and Senior (Class 9 to 12).The exhibitsinsenior category were based on variousenvironmental issuessuch as causes and consequences of climate change, biodiversity conservation and sustenance, alternative energy as a substitute of hydrocarbon energy, life science in human welfare,and scientific innovation. The exhibits in the junior categorywere based on the themes ofsustainable future, transport, IT and Communication technology, technology and toys. All themodels/exhibits were quite thought provoking. Theyignited interest in young minds towards environmental problemsand students expressed their scientific temperament and innovative skills through them. They showcased their scientific fervour manifested through various models on science and environmental issues.The exhibition was enjoyed by the guests, cadets and all the members of staff. A team of judges comprising of seven experts from the field of science and technology examinedand evaluated thescience models on display and declared the winners. In the closing ceremony, the Principal, Sainik School Bhubaneswar,commended the schoolsfor their whole hearted participation and appreciated all the staff members of Sainik School Bhubaneswar for organising the event in a professional manner. He also appreciated the encouragement bySahodaya Schools for providing a platform to their students, which is important for overall personality development of a child.

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