Seeing Odisha will add to Expertise for Developmental Management –CS to IAS Probationers

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Bhubaneswar( Kalinga Voice) : Seeing different parts of Odisha today will add to your expertise for developmental management in future, advised Chief Secretary Sri Suresh Chandra Mahapatra to the IAS Probationers when they came to meet him in Lokseba Bhawan today.  

            Sri Mahapatra said “there is a sea change in Odisha over last twenty years in various spheres of development”. They were advised to see the rural connectivity, rural housing, eco-tourism management, creation of irrigation potential, agricultural development and health services, and the most recent pandemic the covid-19 management.  

            Development of roads and bridges along with extensive rural connectivity, added Sri Mahapatra “has brought all parts of Odisha to the mainstream of development”. He also told them to see the institutional and response arrangements put in place from the village to State capital for management of the disasters. “Management of the unprecedented Covid-19 under the Charismatic the leadership of Chief Minister Sri Naveen Patnaik has yielded amazing results. Realistic assessment of the situation, advance preparations, team building from bottom to the top, standardized operating procedures, adoption of technology, quick response system and above all people’s participation at different levels in Odisha have been the key of success. Odisha’s experience in disaster and pandemic management has set international best practice; and, it would enable you to prepare the administration for countering any public health crisis in future”.   

            Joining the discussion, Development Commissioner Sri Pradeep Kumar Jena advised the probationers to stay at least 2 to 3 days in the western districts like Kalahandi, Nuapada and Koraput.  Sri Jena said that you could see what changes took place and how it could be possible in just some years. Kalahandi, once known as the place of poverty and hunger became lead producer of food grains and vegetables. Sri Jena also advised them to see how changes took place from Super cyclone 1999 to Fani in 2019 and Gulab in 2021.

The probationers said, “In western Odisha our experience was excellent. We observed that every where people felt the presence of Government, and, the people also talked about the development that took place in recent years”. They added, “The rural connectivity in Odisha today is much better than many other states. Covid management till now has been unique and has given confidence to people. Wherever we have gone we have heard people appreciating Government’s actions in providing quarantine, testing and treatment facilities. It has been a great learning experience for us”. 

            Sri Himansu Panda Addl Commissioner Gopabandhu Academy of Administration appraised that the present probationer group consisting of five officers belonged to 2020 batch. From among them Bubhuti Bhusan Nayak was allotted to Dhenkanal, Chavan Kunal Motiram was allotted to Balasore, Kulkarni Asutosh C was allotted to Sambalpur, Ms Madhumita was allotted to Ganjam and Vedbhusan was allotted to Koraput for field probation.  

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