Serious allegation against Z Estates Pvt Ltd by Z1RWA

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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : Serious allegation of unlawful, arbitrary, unilateral and fraudulent acts has been brought by the Z1 Residents’ Welfare Association(Z1RWA), an association of apartment owners of Z1 Project developed by Z Estates Pvt Ltd (ZEPL) adjacent to Nandankanan Road, Patia . The association staged potest and raised serious allegation and gross violation of rules agaist the builder in a press meet .

In the press meet they said ” the association has been relentlessly fighting against the unlawful, arbitrary, unilateral and fraudulent acts of the developer with gross disregard to “LAW OF THE LAND” having its “OWN SETS OF LAW” for maximization of its commercial gain at the cost of legitimate right, ownership and privileges of gullible home buyers. The Developer has been exploiting the innocent home buyers and depriving them from their lawful right under the guise of its misinterpretation of law to suit its own vested commercial interest. Ownership of flats as an immovable property comprises absolute ownership in the respective flat (dwelling unit) and undivided impartible proportionate share in common areas and amenities as defined under Odisha Apartment Ownership Act, 1982 and Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act 2016 in tune with relevant provisions of Transfer of Property Act, 1882. But ZEPL had grossly flouted all the above provisions of LAW and deprived the members of Z1RWA from their legitimate ownership of all common areas and amenities as per the approved plan of BDA in line with Odisha Development Authority Building (Planning and Standard) Regulations, 2008/18/20.”

They further alleged ” The community Center/Club House being the alluring factor in buying a property in Z1 Project forms part of the common areas and amenities but the developer is holding its management rights illegally and depriving the owners from their right to own and manage the same. This is sheer act of Tyrants and Oppression. All these unlawful, autocratic and fraudulent acts are being justified by the builder through some one sided, unreasonable, legally unenforceable being null and void agreements made to sign the owners on the dotted line even if it is held by the apex court of INDIA that these are UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICE.

As per the allegation made by Z1RWA, ” The Developer/ZEPL had deceived the Developing Authority regarding the ownership of the project land at the time of obtaining approval for addition and alteration to the approved plan whereby the members of Z1RWA had been DUPED to the tune of CRORES OF RUPEES.

The developer/ZEPL through its sister concern United Resorts & Services LLP (URS LLP) unlawfully held on to the right of Management of Common Area and amenities and misutilisedCRORES OF RUPEES of maintenance charges without scant regard to PROPRIETY OF EXPENSES.

The developer/ZEPL has illegally sold excess approved covered area whereby duping the gullible home buyers to the tune of 45 CRORES and above.

The developer/ZEPL is in forceful occupation of basement parking measuring approximately 13000 Square feet for his own stockyard without paying rental for last 6 years resulting revenue loss of CRORES of rupees to the owners of Z1RWA.

The developer has collected VAT amounting to CRORES of rupees illegally not having any VAT RC at the time of selling the flats and not deposited the same to the taxation authority.

The developer has used low grade materials like water supply pipelines, etc requiring complete replacement within 5 years resulting in huge financial burden to the tune of CRORES OF RUPEES on the owners/Z1RWA.

The developer had illegally utilized CRORES OF MAINTENANCE CORPUS FUND collected from owners through its sister concern URS LLP without compliance of taxation implication of such expenses and proper disclosure and accounting of such transactions as per relevant accounting standards. It had also syphoned off Lakhs of rupees of insurance claim under damage during cyclone FANI.

 The developer had taken unlawful commission over and above the maintenance charges through its sister concern URS LLP. The developer has not provided single point power connection to the association and unlawfully distributing power through a domestic bulk consumer connection in its own name for its personal financial and commercial gain.”


Prof. P. C. MishraPresident
CA Bidhubhusan NayakGeneral Secretary
Mr. Artatrana PanigrahiTreasurer
Mr. Malay PanigrahiVice President -1
Mrs. Shilparani BeheraVice President -2
Mr. Kalpataru PattanaikJoint Secretary
Mr. Debasis PanigrahiJoint Treasurer

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