Services of Special Trains, extended.

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  • ► Two Special Trains to Kollam from North Andhra Pradesh.
  • ► Puri_Patna, Bhubaneswar_Dhanbad, Puri_Bhanjapur & Santragachhi-Puri already running up to last week of December 2023.
  • ► Special Trains from Visakhapatnam towards Secunderabad, Tirupati & Bengaluru will run up to last week of January’2024.
  • ► Special Train between Sambalpur & Erode will run up to last week of February 2024.

Bhubaneswar : For the convenience of general public, especially passengers and keeping in view the demands in important routes, it has been decided to extend the services of existing Special Trains for more trips. Apart from this, Some more Special Trains have also been decided to run through ECoR towards different destinations, to clear additional rush of passengers in the winter peak time. These Trains are…

Visakhapatnam-Secunderabad Special:

08579/08580 Visakhapatnam-Secunderabad-Visakhapatnam Special leaving from Visakhapatnam on every Wednesday and leaving from Secunderabad on every Thursday will now run up to 1st February’2024.

Visakhapatnam-Tirupati Special:

08583/08584 Visakhapatnam-Tirupati-Visakhapatnam Special leaving from Visakhapatnam on every Monday and leaving from Tirupati on every Tuesday will now run up to 30th January’2024.

Visakhapatnam-Bengaluru Special:

08543/08544 Visakhapatnam-SMVT Bengaluru-Visakhapatnam Special leaving from Visakhapatnam on every Sunday and leaving from SMVT Bengaluru on every Monday will now run up to 29th January’2024.

Srikakulam Road-Kollam Special:

08537/08538 Srikakulam Road-Kollam-Srikakulam Road Special from Srikakulam Road will leave at 1100hrs on every Saturdays from 25th November 2023 to 27th January 2024. In the return direction, this train will leave from Kollam at 1935hrs on every Sunday from 26th November 2023 to 28th January.

Visakhapatnam-Kollam Special:

08539/08540 Visakhapatnam-Kollam-Visakhapatnam Special from Visakhapatnam will leave at 0820hrs on every Wednesday from 29th November 2023 to 31st January 2024. In the return direction, this train will leave from Kollam at 1935hrs on every Thursday from 30th November 2023 to 1st February, 2024.

Puri-Patna-Puri Special:

08439/08440 Puri-Patna-Puri Special leaving from Puri at 1455hrs on every Saturday and leaving from Patna at 1345hrs on every Sunday will now run up to 30th December, 2023.

Bhubaneswar-Dhanbad-Bhubaneswar Special:

02832/02831 Bhubaneswar-Dhanbad-Bhubaneswar Special leaving from Puri at 2025hrs and leaving from Patna at 1600hrs will now run up to 30th December, 2023.

Puri-Bhanjapur-Puri Special:

08011/08012 Bhanjapur (Baripada)-Puri- Bhanjapur Special leaving Bhanjapur on every Thursday & Saturday and leaving Puri on every Friday & Sunday has been extended to run up to 31st December 2023.

Santragachhi-Puri-Santragachhi Special:

02837/02838 Santragachhi-Puri-Santragachhi Special leaving Santragachhi on every Friday and leaving Puri on every Saturday has been extended to run up to 30th December 2023.

Sambalpur-Erode-Sambalpur Special:

08311/08312 Sambalpur-Erode-Sambalpur Special leaving from Sambalpur on every Wednesday and leaving from Erode on every Friday will now run up to 1st March, 2024.

Reviewing the Passenger Profile Management, it is seen that, the trains of the above routes are running with additional passengers. In view of this, it has been decided to run more trains in important routes originating from ECoR jurisdiction

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