Skill Development Program on “Training CumDemonstration on Pond Ash Bricks Technology

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Bhubaneswar, 4th March 2024: CSIR-IMMT has organizeda Skill Development Program on “Training Cum Demonstration on Pond Ash Bricks Technology” under the CSIR Integrated Skill initiativeand as a part of CSIR-IMMT diamond Jubilee Year Celebration.

The Demonstration on Pond Ash Bricks Technology was conducted at Centre for Waste Utilization of Environment & Sustainability Department. More than 25 participants from differentindustries, MSMEs, Startups companies, Academiaand young entrepreneurs have participated.The organizing committee consisting of Dr Ramanuj Narayan, Director, CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar, Dr. D.S Rao(Chief Scientist&Head, HRD), Dr. Nabin Kumar Dhal(Chief Scientist & Head),E&S Dept., Dr SK Pradhan Coordinator, CSIR Skill Development Program, Dr. Syed M. Mustakim, Convener, and Er. R. Sathish, Co-convener.

Emphasizing on the Innovation, Dr Ramanuj Narayan, Director, CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar, highlighted the importance of learning innovative skills and thinking innovatively when seeking knowledge.Discussing on institute’s commitment to innovation, education, and the preservation of cultural heritage, he mentioned the significance of fly ash, likely in the context of environmental sustainability or technological innovation.

Dr Ramanuj further emphasized on the promising future of biotechnology, encouraging individuals interested in the field to pursue training as it holds benefits for Odisha and the nation. Elaborating on the skill development in Pond Ash Bricks Technology he stressed the fundamental importance of chemistry in various aspects of life and knowledge. Giving historical references, he discussed about ancient architectures such as those found in Harappa and related them to modern architectural skills and techniques.He also highlighted the scientific significance behind the architectural marvels of the Shree Jagannath Temple, possibly indicating a blend of traditional craftsmanship with scientific principles.

CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar is actively engaged in development of innovative, energy efficient green processes for utilization of various industrial and mining solid wastes in manufacture of building materials such as brick, block, concrete, aggregate etc. Under this R&D activity, Environment & Sustainability Department, CSIR-IMMT has also created pilot plant facility for brick and block manufacturing to demonstrate the process for utilizing various industrial wastes like Fly ash, Pond ash, Red Mud, Slag, etc.So far, theFly ash brick manufacturing technology has been licensedto 17 MSMEs and 4 other major industries for manufacture of cold setting building brick containing up to 70 % fly ash.

The program elaborated about the good practices in manufacture of Pond ash building bricks confirming to BIS-12894;2002, so that the bricks will be durable having compressive strength and water absorption as per the requirement.This technology was demonstrated by Dr. S.M. Mustakim, Dr. R. Boopathy, Er. R Sathish.

The participates have interacted and learned about the process of making the bricks from pond ash through this one-day skill development program. The participates appreciated and requested to conduct such kind of program from time to time for the skill development.

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