With this greenery returning to their paddy lands, the local farmers are very happy as the damage was only for a temporary period.On the other hand, the company officials said that they will help the farmers in finding out the actual reason for this so that corrective measures can be taken by them.
Bhubaneswar/ Kalinga Voice : Hirakud in the district of Samabalpur has occupied a special position in the Industrial and Tourism Map of Odisha. Because of the Canal facility in the region, the farmers here do a good crop round the year. Recently the low-pressure caused heavy rain lashed at the paddy lands and because of this it has been alleged that the crops in the paddy lands adjacent to Hindalco plant area have been affected. Around 90 farmers alleged about their damaged to their paddy land in around 193 acres. Some allegations were made against company being responsible for this damage. After this, the Agriculture and the Revenue authorities of the Government came to the spot and visited the said alleged area.

However, now it is seen that within a gap of one month greenery has returned to those said farmlands and it has borne fruits. It is difficult to establish that damage was due to company’s problem because there are some colour changes that occur in the crops almost every year temporarily because of lack of sun rays which then gets restored automatically with clear weather and with sun rays availability.
Now, with this greenery returning to their paddy lands, the local farmers are very happy as the damage was only for a temporary period.On the other hand, the company officials said that they will help the farmers in finding out the actual reason for this so that corrective measures can be taken by them.
This return of greenery in the paddy lands has created a very cordial and jovial ambiance in the minds of the people of Hirakud in general and amongst the farmers in particular.