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  Bhubaneswar, June 19: The Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (SOA) Deemed to be University here has been honoured by the Indo-African Trade Council (IATC) for establishing a vibrant relationship between India and Africa through its academic platform.

          The IATC award was presented by Gen. Constantino Chiwenga, Vice-President of Zimbabwe, to SOA Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Amit Banerjee at a function held in New Delhi recently. Several diplomats and high officials from the African continent as well as Indian achievers from diverse walks of life attended the function.

          Prof. (Dr.) Banerjee, who later spoke to media persons, said that the students from Africa travelled to far away India with the intent of achieving their goal of learning. “They thoroughly enjoyed their stay at SOA and also made the Deemed to be University a coveted higher education destination for students back home,” he said adding more than half of SOA’s international student community hailed from African countries.

          He also referred to an important research collaboration being taken up between SOA and Bindura University of Zimbabwe for developing an effective antidote against the dreaded Pamba snakebite.

          Prof. (Dr.) Banerjee attributed SOA’s success to the inspirational leadership of its Founder President, Prof Manojranjan Nayak.

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