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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : More than 100 academics, research scholars and industry persons participated in a two-day international conference on ‘Recent advances in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development’ organised at the Institute of Technical Education and Research (ITER), faculty of engineering of SOA here, which concluded on Saturday.
The conference, held virtually, was intended to bring the academia and industry together to discuss varied subjects including development of new materials and its application, thermal engineering, design and manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering and renewable energy research, Dr. Premananda Pradhan, Convenor of the conference, said.
“We had received 156 good quality research papers from around the world of which 105 were selected for presentation and publication”, he said.
Prof. David Scott Sink of Virginia Tech, USA, who was one of the guest speakers elaborated on Large Scale Enterprise Transformation and present requirement of skill and competence for the young generation to fit into the post pandemic scenario in industrialization.
Prof. Bopaya Bidanda of University of Pittsburg, USA spoke on Thriving under Uncertain and Disruptive Conditions highlighting the need for corporate resilience and the ability to embrace virtual collaboration tools to sustain industrial operations.
The inaugural session of the conference was addressed by SOA Vice- Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kumar Mahapatra, Prof. P.K.Nanda, SOA Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof.R.P.Mohanty, Chief Consultant to SOA and Dr. Amiya Patnaik, Director, Blue Dome Intelligence.
The other invited speakers included Prof. A.Rolstadas from University of Science and Technology, Norway, Prof. Jim Browne from Irish Acvademy of Engineering, Ireland, Dr. Debanik Roy from Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Dr. Pinkeswar Mahanta, Director of NIT-Arunachal Pradesh, Mr. Sridhar Panigrahi from ISRO and Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sahoo from CSIR National Aerospace Laboratories.

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