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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (SOA) joined the rest of the country in observing ‘Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav’ by organising a webinar on the freedom struggle and a plethora of other programs between August 9 and 14.
Addressing the webinar held on August 11, Prof. Ashok Kumar Mahapatra, Vice-chancellor of SOA, recalled the valiant struggle of freedom fighters led by Mahatma Gandhi while lamenting that the present generation was becoming oblivious about the history of the glorious movement.
“The young people today are not aware about the sacrifices made by people who fought for India’s independence though they are enjoying the fruits of freedom,” he said.
Recalling the infamous Jallianwala bagh massacre of April 13, 1919 at Amritsar in which at least 1000 people were killed in police firing under the direction of Brigadier- General R.E.H. Dyer, Prof. Mahapatra said the tragedy impacted the collective conscience of the world.
“Till the Jallianwala bagh incident, the world thought that the Indians were looked after very well by their British rulers. But it changed that perception,” he said while addressing students, faculty members and others who attended the webinar.
India’s freedom was hard earned, but the present generation appears ignorant or disinterested about it, he said.
“Today our young people get educated with the country spending crores of rupees for their training but they chose to serve foreign companies,” he said while pointing out that the moral question was being ignored.
“Lack of morality is a huge issue as the moral strength of the people is on the wane which, in turn, is pulling the country down,” the eminent neuro-surgeon said.
Prof. Nachieketa K. Sharma, SOA’s Director, University Outreach Program, who also spoke referred to eminent historian Prof. Bipan Chandra’s book ‘The Epic Struggle’ depicting the freedom struggle.
A poster competition was conducted among students of the University on August 10 while a cycle rally was held by volunteers of SOA NSS on August 13. The volunteers cycled through nearby villages to spread the message of ‘swachhata’ among the people

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