Bhubaneswar, (Kalinga Voice) : A new feather was added to the glowing cap of the Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University here when the QS I-Gauge awarded it the ‘Diamond University Rating’ on Wednesday.
In a communication to the university, QS I-Gauge said that SOA had exhibited outstanding results in their audit earning themselves a ‘Diamond rating’. SOA is the only University in eastern India to earn this rating.
“I am delighted to congratulate SOA in their quest towards quality and excellence while achieving the diamond badge in the QS I-GAUGE ratings being the first University in eastern India” the Director Client Relations, QS I-GAUGE Mr. Subhayou Nayak said.

In most of the indicators measuring the primary and secondary criteria which included teaching and learning, employability, facilities, research, faculty quality and social responsibility, the university had performed excellently, it said.
SOA was ranked the 20th best university in the country in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), Ministry of HRD, in 2020. The university was also reaccredited by the NAAC with ‘A’ Grade.