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Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice) : Dr. Badudeb Behera, a scientist working in the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IAS), faculty of agricultural sciences of SOA, was on Monday conferred with the prestigious Dr. J. Venkateswarulu award for 2019 for his contribution in the field of dryland agriculture.
The award, instituted jointly by the Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad and All India Coordinated Research Project on Dryland Agriculture, is presented to researchers working in the field every year.
The award was presented to Dr. Behera virtually during a workshop on ‘Problems and Opportunities in Food and Nutritional Security relating to Dryland Agriculture’ organised at CRIDA, Hyderabad.
The virtual program organised at IAS was attended by SOA Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. P.K. Nanda, Dean, IAS, Prof. B. K. Sahu, Dean (PG), Prof. P. Mohapatra, Addl. Dean (Research) Priyabrata Pattnaik, former Director of Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Dehradun, Dr. P.K. Mishra and scientists from Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Dr. Dilip Kumar Bastia and Dr. Subrat Kumar Behera.
Dr. V.K.Singh, Director of CRIDA, Hyderabad and scientists Dr. H. Ravindrachari and Dr. Mohammed Osman , among others, were present at the program held at Hyderabad.
Dr. Behera, who spoke on his research work at the workshop attended by over 1000 students and scientists, was presented a medal, citation and a purse on the occasion.

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