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Bhubaneswar: Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (SOA) Deemed to be University on Thursday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with GMR Kamalanga Energy Limited (GKEL), Dhenkanal, for mutual benefit.
As per the MoU, SOA will interact with GKEL for the purpose of getting familiarized with industrial exposure for industry ready problems and live training program for students and faculty members. GKEL will support short and long term training of students of SOA every year as per the mutually agreed terms.
SOA will extend academic and research support to GKEL personnel on a case-to-case basis by facilitating their visit to its laboratories and other facilities.
In order to fulfill the objective, a number of projects along with ancillary activities like seminars, workshops etc will be organised. The MoU, which will be effective from the date of its signing, will remain valid for 36 months and extended subsequently if both parties felt the need. The MoU was signed between Prof. Pradipta Kumar Nanda, Pro-Vice Chancellor of SOA and top officials of GKEL.

Mr. Pramod Kumar Panda, SOA’s Chief Administrative Officer, Prof. Renu Sharma, Additional Dean (Student Affairs), Institute of Technical Education and Research (ITER), Dr. Sujit Kumar Dash, Training and Placement Head, ITER, Mr. Sumit Mitra, Head, Career Development Cell, ITER, Dr. Saroj Acharya, Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering, ITER, Dr. Binod Kumar Sahu, Head of Department, Electrical Engineering, ITER, Dr. Niranjan Nayak, Head of Department, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Dr. Shakti Prakash Jena, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, were present during the signing of the MoU.

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