State Governments Auction 133 Mineral Blocks To Private Companies During Last Five Years: Odisha Auctioned 35

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7928.62 ha forest land has been diverted for mining in Odisha

New Delhi(Kalinga Voice): The Mines and Mineral (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957 was amended with effect from 12.01.2015 whereby auction regime was introduced for grant of mineral concessions to bring in greater transparency and remove discretion at all levels in grant of mineral concessions. The auction is carried out by the respective State Governments. In addition to auction, mineral concessions are also granted to the Government companies through area reservation as per Section 17A of the MMDR Act 1957. During the last five years, 133 mineral blocks have been auctioned by various State Governments to Private Companies and approval of the Central Government was conveyed to the various State Governments for 16 proposals for reservation of area under Section 17A of the MMDR Act 1957 in favour of Government Companies. Out of which in Odisha , 35 mineral blocks have been auctioned by various State Governments to Private Companies and 6 blocks to PSUs only during last 5 years.

            As per the information received from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, a total of 19267.47 hectares of forest land has been diverted due to mining activities in the last 5 years. out of which 7928.62 ha forest land has been diverted for mining in Odisha alone .

     Information regarding the people displaced and rehabilitated due to mining activities is maintained by the respective State Governments.

This information was given by Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshi in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.


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