State’s Fiscal Performance Moves Upward

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  • Revenue Generation increases 112.54% by end of June
  • The Expenditure in June shows visible Progress
  • Chief Secretary directed to speed up high impact capital projects for creation of more employment
  • Departments asked to focus on preparation of the Digital Assets Register

Bhubaneswar,(Kalinga Voice) : Beating the Covid impacted slowdown in the global economy, Odisha has enhanced its revenue generation by end of June this fiscal year because of the application of 5-T principles and prudent policies in financial management. The ease of tax payment through online modes and e-receipts has also been helpful to a significant extent while ensuring transparency in revenue matters. This was known from all secretaries meeting held on digital mode under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Sri Suresh Chandra Mahapatra from Lokseba Bhawan wherein Principal Secretary Finance  Sri Ashok Kumar Meena outlined the financial performance of different departments for discussion.

            Principal Secretary Sri Meena appraised that beating all adversities of the shutdown and lockdowns caused by Covid-19, the revenue generation from State’s own sources by end of June, 2021 grew to Rs.17,656.70 cr against the last year collection of Rs 8,307.54 cr during the same period;  thereby marking a growth of  112.54 percent.  The revenue generation from own-tax sources grew by 74.66%. The total revenue collection from own-tax sources up to June, 2020 was around Rs.4601 cr which grew up to Rs.8036 cr by June,2021. Similarly, the non-tax revenue up to June, 2020 was around Rs 8307.54 cr which grew to 9621.16 cr by June, 2021 thereby recording a growth of 159.55% over the previous year. This non-tax revenue growth was assigned to robust system of revenue collection developed in Steel and Mines department.

            Further, Sri Meena said that keeping pace with the revenue generation, there was also significant growth in budget utilization during the month of June. Overall percentage of the budget utilization by June, 2021 grew to 21% ( Rs 12, 864 cr  in absolute figures) against that of around 17%  ( Rs 9,873 cr) during the corresponding period of the last fiscal.

            Taking a review of the department wise fiscal performances, Chief Secretary Sri Mahapatra directed the departments to speed up capital expenditure under different programmes for keeping up the higher growth rate. He emphasized on working out of high impact new capital intensive projects for funding in medium term.  Sri Mahapatra also directed Principal Secretaries and Secretaries of different departments to closely monitor the progress of the projects under district mineral fund (DMF) and Odisha Mineral bearing areas development corporation ( OMBADC) along with  the livelihood enhancement projects and schemes during the current year.

            Further, Chief Secretary directed the departments to focus on preparation of the digital assets register for management and maintenance of the Government assets created under different departments. He added that the register would also be available in public domain for citizens.

            Development Commissioner Sri Pradeep Kumar Jena advised all departments to nominate a responsible senior officers for coordinating with Odisha space application center (ORSAC) for preparation of the register.

            Chief Secretary also reviewed implementation of the projects under DMF and OMBADC. Review showed that progressive collection till May. 2021 under DMF was around Rs.13,173 cr against which around 20372 numbers of projects estimated around Rs. 14,490 cr  were sanctioned in different districts. Out of the sanctioned projects, a total number of 13,132   projects were completed by end of May, 2021; and, balance projects were in different stages of implementation.

             Similarly, under OMBADC Phase-II, a total number of 38 projects in seven sectors estimated around Rs.13,782 cr were sanctioned till end of May,2021. The progress of the projects was found to be in the timeline. Chief Secretary directed the executing agencies and departments to expedite implementation and complete the projects before the scheduled time as the projects cater to many basic needs of the people in mineral bearing areas.

             Development Commissioner Sri Pradeep Kumar Jena, Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) and Agriculture Production Commissioner Sri Raj Kumar Sharma, ACS Sri Sanjeev Chopra, ACS Forest and Environment Dr Mona Sharma, ACS Health and Family Welfare Sri Pradeepta Kumar Mohapatra along with Principal Secretaries, Secretaries and Special Secretaries of all departments participated in the deliberations.

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