Subhrakant Panda leads Indian business delegation to Canada

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Bhubaneswar,(Kalinga Voice): Subhrakant Panda, President of FICCI and Managing Director of IMFA, led a business delegation which accompanied Mr PiyushGoyal, Hon’ble Commerce & Industry Minister, who was in Canada for Ministerial Dialogue on Trade & Investment.

Mr Panda participated in the CEOs Roundtable organised by FICCI and the Business Council of Canada (BCC) on 9th May. He set the tone for the discussion with his opening remark along with the President and CEO of BCC MrGoldyHyder. “There is a lot more potential to bilateral trade than where we stand today, and the positive vibes in the room during the meeting bodes well,” he said. Ms Mary Ng, Hon’ble Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development of Canada, also participated in the Roundtable.

On 10th May, Mr Panda participated in a Financial Sector Roundtable organised by FICCI and Canada-India Business Council, where Shri PiyushGoyal highlighted the wide range of investment opportunities across various industry sectors in India.

FICCI’s Secretary General Mr Shailesh Pathak and several business leaders were part of the delegation.

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