Tata Steel Foundation’s initiative for conservation of turtles

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Chhatrapur: Tata Steel Foundation has organised an awareness session on the Olive Ridley Turtle on the occasion of World Turtle Day here recently. The session highlighted the significance of turtle conservation and the commendable efforts put forth by local communities.

Lt. General U.V. Talur, VSM, Commandant, Army AD College, Gopalpur, attended the event as the Chief Guest and spoke eloquently about the parallels between the army’s vigilance at the borders and the local communities’ efforts in protecting the Olive Ridleys.

The attendees of the event shared their valuable insights on the subject, further raising awareness about turtle conservation.

In recognition of the tremendous work done by local communities in protecting the sea turtles, leaders of various villages were awarded by the dignitaries for their outstanding contributions towards turtle conservation. Recipients of this honour were Pabitra Swain, C.H. Sataya, W. Kedar, MagataBehera, and Ganesh Sanjukta.

Col. ManasKhadanga, Colonel General, Staff Planning, Army AD College, Gopalpur; V. KirtiVasan, District Chief Development Officer and Executive Officer, Sunny Khokar, PratipModak, Brahmapur Division Forest Officer, PratipModak, Coast Guard Officer, Scientist Dr. Anil Mahapatra, Geological Survey of India, and Ambika Nanda, Head, CSR, Tata Steel, Odisha, were present, among others.

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