Testing in Odisha is higher than the national average

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Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : As India rides the wave of an upsurge in testing, many States/UTs have exceeded 140 tests/day/million population as advised by WHO. And several have demonstrated better performance with Positivity Rate lower than the national average.

With 905 tests per day per million population, Odisha is at No. 4 spot across the country and way ahead of many big States. It is possible because of the commitment of the state government and concerted and dedicated effort of the corona Warrier and health personnel. Goa with 1574 tests/day/million population stands at the top while Andhra Pradesh is second with 1391 tests/day/million population. Delhi is third with 950 tests and Odisha is at No. 4 spot with 905 tests/day/million population. Tests/day/million population Odisha is higher than the national average, which stands at 545.

The Covid Positivity Rate in Odisha remains 5.71% while the national average Positivity Rate is 8.57%.

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