The exploitation of Minor mineral in scientific and sustainable manner resulted in a remarkable revenue increase.

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  • 506  new minor mineral sources have been identified and brought into the process of operation
  • record number of 39,621 raids/ checks have been conducted and 31,758 cases of illegal mining have been detected
  • Enforcement has earned a total of Rs. 68,52,87,987/- towards royalty and penalty.

Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : Minor mineral being a  potential source of state revenue, thrust is being given on optimisation of its exploitation in the most scientific and sustainable manner. The year 2020-21 is notable in minor mineral administration in the state in as much as it witnessed invigorating efforts in identification of new sources, acceleration in the process of operationalization of the sources, regular enforcement activities leading to minimization of illegal mining and theft, technology-based management of information & monitoring for real-time data generation and other technology-based approaches for efficient and transparent administration of minor minerals which has resulted in a remarkable increase of revenue.

So far as identification of new source is concerned, during 2020-21, 506  new minor mineral sources have been identified and brought into the process of operation. This includes 12 large river sand beds having area more than 50 acres. Water Resources Department has been involved in the move for identification of large potential river sand sources 

Since operation of more minor mineral sources is the key to increase in  quantum of mineral exploration and  address to the scarcity market of raw materials for development works, prevention of theft/ illegal mining and increase of Govt. revenue, constant co-ordination with stakeholder authorities like SEIAA, Directorate of Geology has been made to clear the bottlenecks in obtaining   environmental  clearances and approval of mining plans. Regular reviews of progress through VC have yielded desired results. 2772 mining plans have been approved by the Authorised Officers under the Directorate of Geology. SEIAA could have a record number of  52 meetings in the year and granted 1000 Environmental Clearances.  As many as 1546 sources were in operation at the end of the year

Prevention of theft/ illegal mining has been a great challenge in minor mineral administration. As a fruitful step in this direction, pillar posting for boundary demarcation of sources have been completed in respect of 2665 sources and DGPS survey has been completed in respect of 1112 sources.  Success in detection being the stepping stone to effective prevention, the Department has issued guidelines on regular inspection of source sites and potential mineral deposit areas. This is at least once in a fortnight by Revenue Inspectors and at least once in a month by Tahasil level teams. With regard to enforcement activities to check illegal mining/ theft of minor minerals,  record number of 39,621 raids/ checks have been conducted by Tahasil/ Sub-Division/ District level squads/ teams in the year. 31,758 cases of illegal mining have been detected and 19,806 vehicles and other equipment have been seized. Enforcement has earned a total of Rs. 68,52,87,987/- towards royalty and penalty.

To have real time and regular access to the information regarding the minor mineral administration in the State, technology based approach has been adopted for information management and monitoring.  Optimal use of Dynamic Web Information System for Tahasils (DWIST) portal has been made  with inclusion of three separate modules  for MP and EC approval status, Revenue Collection and Minor Mineral Source Inspection data. That apart,  a WhatsApp group has been created having all ADMs, Sub-Collectors and Deputy Collectors/ Assistant Collectors in charge of Minor Mineral  Section/Branch of the Collectorates as Group members. Besides being used as a platform for instant share of official correspondences,  this group has been used to monitor daily enforcement activities at Tahasil level, addressing query/ clarification needs of field level officers, appreciating good work done be them which could be valuable source of their motivation. In essence, WhatsApp group has been used as a key platform to bring the wide ranging issues under the control of the senior officers of the Department.

The result of sustained endeavour in minor mineral administration has come in the form of remarkable increase in state revenue from this source. A target of Rs 1000 crore had been apportioned to the districts. Despite unfavourable conditions prevailing during productive parts of the year due to COVID-19  pandemic, revenue collection has increased to Rs.962 crore as against  Rs. 680 crore in 2019-20. Thus, there has been a revenue increase of 41.47 from the previous year.

 Efforts are on to bring into place technological interventions for more sustainable and scientific mining of minor minerals. The schemes/ policies which are in pipeline are; Integrated Minor Minerals Mines Management System (i4MS ) which will bring the entire administration to online platform, e-auction of sairat sources, formulation of Sand Policy etc. The Department is hopeful of taking minor mineral administration to a new hight of efficiency and result yielding.

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