Workshop-cum-Orientation Programme for Principals of Colleges
Bhubaneswar(Kalinga Voice): A Workshop-cum-Orientation programme for principals of govt. colleges, non-govt. aided colleges, teachers educational institutions was held today at Convention Hall Centre, LokasevaBhawan. Vice Chancellors of three Universities, 370 principals of govt. aided and non- aided colleges participated in this workshop.
The prime objective of this Workshop was to foster dialogue among the key stakeholders in the Higher education sector in the state on various topics ranging from financial schemes to technical advancements ,aimimg for both immediate and long term implement.
Higher Education Minister Sri Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak presided over the workshop-cum-orientation programme. The field of Higher Education in the state will be more vibrant utilizing all 5Ts.Odisha has excelled in food security and sports. we will achieve all round excellence in the sector of Higher Education by our unified approach, Sri Nayak expressed.

Education is our valuable resources. Basing on it we will be able to translate the dream of our Chief Minister into reality. Alumni of all colleges must come forward and contribute towards this process of transformation, Sri Akash Das Nayak, chairman Mo College said.
5T Secretary Sri V.K. Pandian told that Honourable Chief Minister has sanctioned Rupees one thousand crore for infrastructure development of our colleges in the first phase. Later on more funds will be sanctioned for the betterment of Higher Education.

Commisioner-cum-Secretary, Higher education Sri AravindAgrawal, Regional Director, NarahariSethi, spoke on the occassion. Special secretary Sri Pramod Ku. Mishra gave the welcome address and Special secy. Sri RamakantNayak extended vote of thanks.