The two-day workshop on ‘Data Forum – 2024’ organized successfully in Bhubaneswar

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  • The session II held in day 2 focused on“Leveraging frontier technology for transferring data into knowledge.”
  • The session III highlighted about “Data systems for achieving the sustainable development goals.

Bhubaneswar (Kalinga Voice) : The two-day workshop on ‘Data Forum-2024’organizedby NITI Aayog with collaboration of  Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI),Government of India and World Bank with support of the Department of Planning and Convergence, Government of Odisha on 21-22 November, has been concluded successfully on Friday afternoon,  in Bhubaneswar.           

            The 2nd day session of day 2 which was held on 22nd November, began with the activity on the subject “Leveraging frontier technology for transferring data into knowledge”. The session was chaired by Dr, SauravGarg, Secretary, MoSPI,Govt. of India. In his key note address Dr. Garg focused about Strengthening of Statistical System and Infrastructure in different states and availability and use of data in district level as well as in the state level. Ms. Malar Veerappan, Programme Manager of The World Bank was the moderator of the Session. In her opening remark she highlighted about “Empowering districts of fulcrum of growth through localized data-driven decisionsupport system.

            ShriAnubhav Singh, Chief Development Officer, Shravati, UP spoke about present context of Data landscape at the District level and Challenges and Opportunities for availability of Data.Dr.Dalip Singh, Addl. Director General, Economics Statistics Division, MoSPI highlighted about “Building and Integrated System of Business data to Monitor State and District economic growth divers”.Dr. Pratyush Kumar, Co- founder, Sarvam,AI Spoke on “District as falcrum of growth: unlocking potential of unstructured data” whereas Dr.ManoranjanPattanayak, ED, PricewaterhouseCoopper presented about “Estimating city-level GDP for monitoring growth in Urban areas”& Dr. AvikSarkar, Professor Indian School of Business highlighted about “Using of Alternative Big Data for Policy Decisions.”

            In afternoon, the sessionIII of the Workshop was on discussion about Data systems for achieving the sustainable development goals.This session was chaired by Smt. AnuGarg, Development Commissioner & Additional Chief Secretary to Govt of Odisha and was moderated by Mr. Christopher Garroway, Chief Economist, UN RCO.  Mr. Garoway spoke about Data Systems for Resilient and Sustainable Growth.

             In their different presentations on this topic, Dr. SudeeptaGhosh, Social Statistics Division, MoSPI, Dr. PallaviChoudhuri, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, NCAER- National Data Innovation Centre, Mr, Rajnath Ram, Programme Director(Energy), NITI Aayog, Dr. Kamal Lochan Mishra, Executive Director, OSDMA, Govt of Odishafocused on: System of Environmental – Economic Accounting and the SDGs, ImprovingGender Outcomes through Data Driven Policymaking, Towards Sustainable Growth Using  Energy Data, Odisha : Using Data to build State resilience, strengthen disaster risk management and mitigation respectively.

            In Valedictory session Ms. Anna Roy, Principal Economic Advisor, NITI Aayog, Ms. Ximena V. Del Carpio, Practice Manager, Poverty & Equity Global Practice World Bank and Dr. Pravakar Sahoo, NITI Aayog gave their concluding remarks and said about how the outcomes of this workshop–NITI State series-2ndwill contribute to meet the expectations of DATA FORUM 2024 which will ultimately help in development of our country as well as be valuable input for achieving the SDG goal of UN.

            Ms. ShreyaDutta Mishra, Data System Specialist,World Bank co-ordinated in conducting 1st day and  2nd day sessions of the  2-day programme.

            It is noteworthy to mention that the inaugural event of the Workshop held on first day i.e 21st November, was graced by the Deputy Chief Minister, Odisha Sri K.V. Singh Deo along with presence of Chief Secretary, Odisha Shri Manoj Ahuja and other dignitaries from NITI Aayog, World Bank and MoSPI. Senior officials from various states, Union Territories, various departments of the Government of India, academicians etc. in the workshop participated the two days’ programme.

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