To ensure reliable power supply, TPCODL enhances feeder and network strength in Baghamari, Khurda

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Bhubaneswar, 18 July 2023: TP Central Odisha Distribution Limited (TPCODL), a joint venture between Govt. of Odisha and Tata Power, is undertaking a crucial project to strengthen the feeder and network infrastructure in Baghamari in Khurda District. The purpose of this project is to enhance the reliability and efficiency of power supply to the residents of the area.

TPCODL is strengthening the network at Harirajpur Nua Sahi, which is located under Banki, Cuttack district covering a distance of approximately 300 meters. Additionally, TPCODL has also installed 3 Nos new LT inter-posing poles along the route.

To improve power distribution, TPCODL is upgrading the Single Phase 35 sq. mm LT ABC to Three Phase 50 sq. mm LT ABC. This enhancement will ensure better power delivery & will eliminate the Low Voltage Problems of the residents of village Baghamari. The process of stringing of LT lines was completed last week.

TPCODL is committed to improving the electricity infrastructure and providing seamless power supply to its customers, the company has undertaken several initiatives and technological innovations to strengthen the infrastructure in its distribution area.

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