TP Renewable Microgrid and SIDBI collaborate to setup 1000 green energy enterprises nationwide to support rural entrepreneurs

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~ Program will promote sustainable rural entrepreneurship in the country through clean power via Microgrids and speedy facilitation of financial linkages ~

Mumbai/ Bhubaneswar: To commemorate the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, TP Renewable Microgrid (TPRMG), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Power and Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), have joined hands to launch an innovative program that will see 1,000 green energy enterprises established throughout the nation. The Government of India’s vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat will be supported by this initiative as it will foster sustainable entrepreneurship models across the nation leading to empowerment of rural entrepreneurs.

Under the collaboration, SIDBI will provide entrepreneurs a “Go REsponsive, ENterprise incentive (GREENi)” after they complete a TPRMG-organized capacity building activity. Through its PRAYAAS scheme or partner institutions, SIDBI will also assist in credit linkages tofacilitatefinancing(loans)forsettinguporexpandingthebusinessesofruralentrepreneurs. To provide these rural businesses with quality, affordable, dependable, and clean green energy (Solar/Wind/Bio-Gas), TPRMG will discover suitable entrepreneurs within its existing Microgrid network as well as in new geographies. TPRMG will also provide rural enterprises, green energy solutions, the technical know-how for maximising energy utilisation and conservation. The Sustainable is Attainable program of Tata Power and the Empowering MSMEs campaign of SIDBI are the driving forces behind thispartnership.

“Our partnership with SIDBI is a step toward providing rural enterprises with access to a sustainableenergyecosystemandincludetheminIndia’scommitmenttothewidespreaduse of renewable energy. This innovative program intends to develop skills to enable low-carbon futuresforruralentrepreneursandeconomiesandtoassistinEaseofDoingBusinessinrural parts of the country” said Dr Praveer Sinha, CEO&MD TataPower.

“SIDBI has woven its promotional initiatives as a national program which has four buckets of innovation, education4entrepreneruship, Swavalamban connect Kendras and village/ rural/ sustainable enterprise development. Collaboration with Tata Power’s TPRMG is being structured to kindle green rural enterprises. SIDBI has prioritised the green enterprise as its thrustagendaalignedtonationalcommitmentsonbeingcarbonneutralnation.Wearehopeful that this shall trigger the youth from Bharat who are inclined towards job creator role, to go green from the very beginning.” said Mr. Sivasubramanian Ramann, CMDSIDBI.

Tata Power, through TPRMG, runs one of the largest Microgrid programs in the world and operatessolar-basedoff-gridgeneratingplantwithanenergystoragesystemsupplyingpower to remote areas of the country. The company plans to roll out 10,000 Microgrids in the near future. It has installed more than 200 Microgrids, many of which are present in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. A pilot Microgrid program is also being tried out inOdisha.

Microgrids are electricity distribution systems containing loads and distributed energy resources such as distributed generators, storage devices, or controlled loads that can be operated in a controlled, coordinated way either while connected to the main power network orwhileislanded. ThepriceofpowerfromaMicrogridisaroundone-fifthofthepriceofdiesel, making it an economical option for many people in rural India. Apart from households, TP Renewable Microgrid consumers in a village include shops, health centres /Hospitals,

Schools/ Colleges, Banks, other commercial institutions and telecom towers, flour mills, oil expellers, rice hullers, bulk milk chillers, RO Cold water plants, etc.

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