TPSODL introduced numerous safety initiatives within one year

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More than 2,000 vulnerable locations have been converted from unsafe to safe

Berhampur(Kalinga Voice) : As a part of their commitment towards safety, TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited (TPSODL), the joint venture between Tata Power and Odisha Government for power distribution in Southern Odisha, has implemented a number of safety measures.  These initiatives include key safety training programs of 1, 75,000 man-hours for all employees, well-structured safety policies and plans across the organisation, deployment of safety tools and equipment, and leveraging technology for enhancing safety excellency.

TPSODL’s dedicated teams conducted mass safety awareness drives through various trainings which were equivalent to twenty one man-hours per employee. These training programs were conducted for employees and Business Associates (BAs) under different categories such as safety capability, behavioural based safety, emergency response and fire safety training and many more. The company has ensured implementation of BA Safety management plan across the organisation. In addition to this employees and Business Associates are using / wearing PPE kits, safety helmet, electrical safety shoes, electrical safety hand gloves, full body harness with pole grab arrestor, electrical face visor, FR Jacket, Sensor based induction safety helmet, hand protection gloves like rubber & cotton type based on the job specifications. The employees have also undergone Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) by Core Committee Members. In addition to this Job Safety Analysis (JSA) workshop has also been conducted to reduce the incident rates. TPSODL also has fully-fledged safety department with qualified on roll safety officers ensuring active participation of more than 500 employees in driving Safety at TPSODL.

TPSODL has deployed Business Continuity and Disaster Management Plan (BCDMP) to minimize injury and property loss by assigning roles and responsibilities to key people during emergencies. The company has also deployed 1000 DCP fire extinguishers at various offices, PSS. TPSODL has also leveraged technology to enhance the culture of safety. Employees, BAs and customers use Surakhsa Prahari App for reporting any incident. In addition to this, dedicated Web safety portals have been launched by the company for a more proactive awareness. TPSODL has also introduced and deployed Safety Card system across all divisions as a part of BA Safety management plan. The company has also ensured that 100 % of all deployed BAs have undergone safety induction and safety commitment drive.

Safety of all our employees and customers has always been our core objective. We have taken a series of steps and initiatives to mitigate the possibility of incidents. We remain committed towards establishing a safe culture which will further strengthen our vision of creating a robust network” said Mr. Arvind Singh, Chief Executive Officer, TP Southern Odisha Distribution Ltd.

A total of 300 safety handbooks and more than 8,000 electrical safety pocket guide books have been distributed to employees and public for enhancing electrical safety awareness. The teams ensure safety excellence through innovative projects which enable access for working at height, on hilly terrain and water filled areas.

TPSODL’s proactive initiatives towards creating a safety culture was recognised and was conferred as the winner of the “State Level Electrical Safety Award 2021” under the category of “Utilitities”. This was the first ever state level safety award organised by Engineer in Chief (Electricity) cum Principal Chief Electrical Inspector to evaluate the safety practices being followed at various Generation, Transmission and Distribution companies operating in Odisha.

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