TPSODL’s Club Enerji taps into school students to promote energy conservation

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Berhampur: Stepping up its commitment to provide sustainable energy solutions,TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited (TPSODL), is promoting energy conservations habits among school students and consumers through “Club Enerji”.

Club Enerji is an energy and resource conservation club that focuses on bringing about a first-hand realisation of the energy crisis and scarcity of natural resources in the country. The initiative propagates efficient usage of energy and educates the society on climate change issues.

TPSODL’s Club Enerji program is focused on creating awareness by educating children on the importance of energy and resource conservation. School students are trained to understand the moral and civic values, interpretation of electricity bills, basic steps that helps curb wastage of power, optimized usage of fuel and water, waste management and plantation along with optimized usage of gadgets/electronic devices at home. Students are also encouraged to share the effective practices adopted.

Club Enerji is our initiative towards guiding students through the four stages of sensitisation – Educate, Enhance, Engage, and Empower. We want the youth to speak the message of sustainability. I am confident that we will be able to drive change through these series of steps” said Mr. Arvind Singh, Chief Executive Officer, TP Southern Odisha Distribution Ltd.

TPSODL has also started awareness campaign in Podapadar, Haldiapadar and Narayanpur Gram Panchayats. Students and staffs of the schools are sensitised on energy & resource conservation, sustainability, safety and digital payments  through an engaging session followed by a quiz competition.

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